野村行弘先生(東大病院22世紀医療センター コンピュータ画像診断学/予防医学寄付講座 特任講師)
Can the Spherical Gold Standards Be Used as an Alternative to Painted Gold Standards for the Computerized Detection of Lesions Using Voxel-based Classification? Jpn J Radiol. 2019; 37(3):264-273
JJR Most often cited paper award
八坂耕一郎先生(東京大学医科学研究所放射線科 助教)
Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Network in Radiology. Jap J Radiol. 2018; 36(4): 257-272
八坂耕一郎先生(東京大学医科学研究所放射線科 助教)
Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Network in Radiology. Jpn J Radiol. 2018; 36(4): 257-272
Single-energy Metal Artifact Reduction for Helical Computed Tomography of the Pelvis in Patients with Metal Hip Prostheses. Jpn J Radiol. 2016; 34(9): 625-32.
Comparison of New and Conventional Versions of Model-based Iterative Reconstruction in Reduced-dose Computed Tomography for Diagnosis of Hepatic Steatosis. Jpn J Radiol. 2016; 34(5): 339-48.