業績一覧: 1999-2008年度

英文原著 1998年

  1. Aoki S, Sasaki Y, Machida T, Hayashi N, Shirouzu I, Ohkubo T, Terahara A, Sasaki Y, Kawamoto S, Araki T, Maehara T.
    3D-CT angiography of cerebral arteriovenous malformations.
    Radiat Med 16: 263-71, 1998
  2. Asai S.
    Radiographic imaging of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
    Radiat Med 16: 431-40, 1998
  3. Imamura M, Shiratori Y, Shiina S, Sato S, Obi S, Okudaira T, Teratani T, Kato N, Akahane M, Ohtomo K, Minami M, Omata M.
    Power Doppler sonography for hepatocellular carcinoma: factors affecting the power Doppler signals of the tumors.
    Liver 18: 427-33, 1998
  4. Inoue Y, Ohtake T, Inoh S, Nishikawa J, Yoshikawa K, Sasaki Y.
    Iatrogenic pneumothorax incidentally detected by Ga-67 imaging.
    Clin Nucl Med 23: 125-6, 1998
  5. Inoue Y, Ohtake T, Nishikawa J, Yoshikawa K, Sasaki Y.
    Extraskeletal accumulation of bone-seeking agent mimicking diaphragmatic uptake.
    Clin Nucl Med 23: 252-3, 1998
  6. Inoue Y, Ohtake T, Koga H, Nishikawa J, Yoshikawa K, Sasaki Y.
    Tc-99m albumin scintigraphy in protein-losing gastroenteropathy caused by gastric polyposis.
    Clin Nucl Med 23: 322-3, 1998
  7. Inoue Y, Ohtake T, Yoshikawa K, Nishikawa J, Sasaki Y.
    Estimation of deadtime in imaging human subjects.
    Eur J Nucl Med 25: 1232-7, 1998
  8. Inoue Y, Ohtake T, Homma Y, Yoshikawa K, Nishikawa J, Sasaki Y.
    Evaluation of glomerular filtration rate by a camera-based method in children and adults.
    J Nucl Med 39: 1784-8, 1998
  9. Inoue Y, Ohtake T, 0ritate T, Nishikawa J, Yoshikawa K, Sasaki Y.
    Effect of the distribution of radioactive sources on deadtime losses in a single-crystal gamma camera.
    Radiat Med 16: 149-52, 1998
  10. Kaneda T, Minami M, Curtin HD, Utsunomiya T, Shirouzu I, Yamashiro M, Kiba H, Yamamoto H, Ohba S.
    Dental bar fragments causing metal artifacts on MR images.
    AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 19: 317-9, 1998
  11. Katayama N, Inoue Y, Harada M, Ichikawa T, Shimoyamada K, Ikeda M, Itoh T, Tsukune Y.
    False-negative blood pool scan in hepatic angiosarcoma.
    Clin Nucl Med 23: 321-2, 1998
  12. Kita Y, Miki K, Hirao S, Inoue Y, Ohtake T, Matsukura A, Aoyanagi N, Saiura A, Harihara Y, Takayama T, Kubota K, Kawarasaki H, Hashizume K, Makuuchi M.
    Liver allograft functional reserve estimated by total asialoglycoprotein receptor amount using Tc-GSA liver scintigraphy.
    Transplant Proc 30: 3277-8, 1998
  13. Kita Y, Lake JR, Ferrell LD, Mori M, Roberts JP, Kakizoe S, Kiyosawa K, Tanaka E, Shiga J, Takikawa H, Inoue Y, Ohtake T, Ohtomo K, Yotsuyanagi H, Oka T, Harihara Y, Takayama T, Kubota K, Kawarasaki H, Hashikura Y, Kawasaki S, Aschner NL, Makuuchi M.
    Possible recurrence of primary screlosing cholangitis following liver-related liver transplantation: report of a case.
    Transplant Proc 30: 3321-3, 1998
  14. Kurita H, Kawamoto S, Suzuki I, Sasaki T, Tago M, Terahara A, Kirino T.
    Control of epilepsy associated with cerebral arteriovenous malformations after radiosurgery.
    J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 65: 648-55, 1998
  15. Nakagawa K, Onogi W, Aoki Y, Kozuka T, Ohtomo K.
    Clinical usefulness of the management and delivery of radiation dose-distribution images using the internet.
    Radiat Med 16: 283-7, 1998
  16. Okada Y, Ohtomo K, Kiryu S, Sasaki Y.
    Breath-hold T2-weighted MRI of hepatic tumors: value of echo planar imaging with diffusion-sensitizing gradient.
    J Comput Assist Tomogr 22: 364-71, 1998
  17. Ohtsuka T, Takamoto S, Endoh M, Ono M, Minami M.
    Ultrafast computed tomography for minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting.
    J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 116: 173-4, 1998
  18. Okubo T, Hayashi N, Shirouzu I, Abe O, Aoki S, Wada A, Ohtomo K, Sasaki Y.
    Detection of brain metastasis: comparison of Turbo-FLAIR imaging, T2-weighted imaging and double-dose gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging.
    Radiat Med 16: 273-81, 1998
  19. Sakamoto Y, Inoue K, Ohtomo K, Mori M, Makuuchi M.
    Magnetic resonance imaging of an angiomyolipoma of the liver.
    Abdom Imaging 23: 158-60, 1998
  20. Sakata K, Aoki Y, Tago M, Karasawa K, Nakagawa K, Hasezawa K, Muta N, Terahara A, Onogi Y, Sasaki Y, Hareyama M.
    Radiotherapy of bone metastases of a spinal menlngeal hemangiopericytoma.
    Strahlenther Onkol 174: 217-9, 1998
  21. Sakurai Y, Takeuchi S, Kojima E, Yazawa I, Murayama S, Kaga K, Momose T, Nakase H, Sakuta M, Kanazawa I.
    Mechanism of short-term memory and repetition in conduction aphasia and related cognitive disorders; a neuropsychological, audiological and neuroimaging study.
    J Neurol Sci 154: 182-93, 1998
  22. Shimamoto R, Suzuki J, Nishikawa J, Fujimori Y, Nakamura F, Shin WS, Tomaru T,Toyo-oka T.
    Measuring the diameter of coronary arteries on MR angiograms using spatial profile curves.
    AJR Am J Roentgenol 170: 889-93, 1998
    Suzuki J, Shimamoto R, Nishikawa J, Tomaru T, Nakajima T, Shin WS, Toyo-oka T.
    Vector analysis of the hemodynamics of atherogenesis in the human thoracic aorta using MR velocity mapping.
    AJR Am J Roentgenol 171: 1285-90, 1998
  23. Tobe K, Yoshikawa K, Seno A, Inoue Y, Tago M, Kazuyuki O, Yoshida H.
    Good resolution of contrast-enhanced MRA using USPIO on coronal plane acquisition: experimental evaluation of time-of-flight effect using flow phantom and animal study.
    Acad Radiol 5(supplement1): 116-8, 1998
  24. Yokoyama I, Ohtake T, Momomura S, Yonekura K, Kobayakawa N, Aoyagi T, Sugiura S, Sasaki Y, Omata M.
    Altered myocardial vasodilation inpatients with hypertriglyceridemia in anatomically normal coronary arteries.
    Arterioscler Thromb Vase Biol 18: 294-9, 1998
  25. Yokoyama I, Ohtake T, Momomura S, Yonekura K, Woo-Soo S, Nishikawa J, Sasaki Y, Omata M.
    Hyperglycemia rather than insulin resistance is related to reduced coronary flow reserve in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
    Diabetes 47: 119-24, 1998
  26. Yokoyama I, Momomura S, Ohtake T, Yonekura K, InoueY, Kobayakawa N, Aoyagi T, Sugiura S, Nishikawa J, Sasaki Y, Omata M.
    Role of positron emission tomography using fluorine-18 fluoro-2-deoxyglucose in predicting improvement in left ventricular function in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.
    Eur J Nucl Med 25: 736-43, 1998
  27. Yokoyama I, Ohtake T, Momomura S, Yonekura K, Nishikawa J, Sasaki Y, Omata T.
    Impaired myocardial vasodilation during hyperemic stress with dipyridamole in hypertrigglyceridemia.
    J Am Coll Cardiol 31: 1568-74, 1998
  28. Yokoyama I, Ohtake T, Momomura S, Yonekura K, Yamada N, Nishikawa J, Sasaki Y, Omata M.
    Organ-specific insulin resistance in patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
    J Nucl Med 39: 884-9, 1998

英文原著 1999年

  1. Hoshino Y, Yoshikawa K, Inoue Y, Asai S, Nakamura T, Ogino T, Umeda M, Iwamoto A.
    Reproducibility of short echo time proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy using point-resolved spatially localized spectroscopy sequence in noral human brains.
    Radiat Med 17: 115-20, 1999
  2. Inoue Y, Katayama N, Yoshikawa K, Tsukune Y, Ohtomo K.
    Breast parenchymal activity on scintimammography: comparison between bone-seeking agents and Tc-99m sestamibi.
    Ann Nucl Med 13: 453-6, 1999
  3. Inoue Y, Wakita S, Yoshikawa K, Kaji N, Yoshioka N, Ohtake T, Ohtomo K, Harii K.
    Evaluation of flow characteristics of soft-tissue vascular malformations using technetium-99m red blood cells.
    Eur J Nucl Med 26: 367-72, 1999
  4. Inoue Y, Ohtake T, Kameyama S, Yamazaki S, Kawabe K, Yoshikawa K, Nishikawa J, Sasaki Y.
    Increased renal retention of technetium-99m methylene diphosphonate after nephron sparing surgery.
    J Nucl Med 40: 418-21, 1999
  5. Inoue Y, Ohtake T, Yokoyama I, Yoshikawa K, Asai S, Ohtomo K.
    Evaluation of renal function from technetium-99m-MAG3 renography without blood sampling.
    J Nucl Med 40: 793-8, 1999
  6. Inoue Y, Ohtake T, Yokoyama I, Yoshikawa K, Ohtomo K.
    Deadtime correction in measurement of fractional renal accumulation of 99Tcm-mercaptoacetyltriglycine.
    Nucl Med Commun 20: 267-72, 1999
  7. Inoue Y, Yoshikawa K, Ohtake T, Nishikawa J, Ohtomo K.
    Deadtime of a single-crystal gamma camera in abdominal imaging.
    Radiat Med 17: 201-4, 1999
  8. Kami M, Shirouzu I, Mitani K, Ogawa S, Matsumura T, Kanda Y, Masumoto T, Saito T, Tanaka Y, Maki K, Honda H, Chiba S, Ohtomo K, Hirai H, Yazaki Y.
    Early diagnosis of central nervous system aspergillosis with combination use of cerebral diffusion-weighted echo-planar magnetic resonance image and polymerase chain reaction of cerebrospinal fluid.
    Intern Med 38: 45-8, 1999
  9. Katayama N, Inoue Y, Ichikawa T, Harada M, Itoh T, Shimoyamada K, Ikeda M, Tsukune Y, Yoshikawa K.
    Local recurrence of breast cancer demonstrated on 99mTc-MIBI scintigraphy.
    Radiat Med 17: 389-91, 1999
  10. Kukimoto I, Igaki H, Kanda T.
    Human CDC45 protein binds to minichromosome maintenance 7 protein and the p70 subunit of DNA polymerase alpha.
    Eur J Biochem 265: 936-43, 1999
  11. Kurita H, Kawamoto S, Sasaki T, Shin M, Ueki K, Momose T, Terahara A, Kirino T.
    Relief of hemiballism from a basal ganglia arteriovenous malformation after radiosurgery.
    Neurology 52: 188-99, 1999
  12. Kuwatsuru R, Kadoya M, Ohtomo K, Tanimoto A, Hirohashi S, Murakami T, Tanaka Y, Yoshikawa K, Katayama H.
    Clinical late phase II trials of MultiHance (Gd-BOPTA) for the magnetic resonance imaging of liver tumors in Japan.
    J Comput Assist Tomogr 23(supplement1): 65-74, 1999
  13. Masaki T, Watanabe T, Nakagawa K, Muto T.
    External beam radiotherapy for pelvic node recurrence after curative resection of colon cancer: report of a case.
    Jpn J Clin Oncol 29: 229-33, 1999
  14. Matsuoka Y, Masumoto T, Suzuki K, Terada K, Ushimi T, Yokoyama Y, Abe K, Kamata N, Yasuno M, Hishima T.
    Pseudomyxoma retroperitonei.
    Eur Radiol 9: 457-9, 1999
  15. Nakagawa K, Aoki Y, Ohtomo K, Albright N, Goer D.
    Dosimetry of leakage doses from a mobile accelerator for IORT and legal issues for its clinical use in Japan.
    Int J Clin Oncol 4: 215-9, 1999
    Nakagawa K, Igaki H, Aoki Y, Ohtomo K, Kawaguchi H, Eto M.
    A quantitative analysis of rat osteoporosis model with a micro focus X-ray tube and digital radiography system.
    Radiat Med 17: 165-8, 1999
  16. Nakagawa S, Yoshikawa H, Jimbo H, Onda T, Yasugi T, Matsumoto K, Kino N, Kawana K, Kozuka T, Nakagawa K, Taketani Y.
    Elderly Japanese women with cervical carcinoma show higher proportion of both intermediate-risk human papillomavirus types and p53 mutations.
    Br J Cancer 79: 1139-44, 1999
  17. Tanimoto A, Kuwatsuru R, Kadoya M, Ohtomo K, Hirohashi S, Murakami T, Hiramatsu K, Yoshikawa K, Katayama H.
    Evaluation of gadobenate dimeglumine in hepatocellular carcinoma: results from phase II and phase III clinical trials in Japan.
    J Magn Reson Imaging 10: 450-60, 1999
  18. Terahara A, Niemierko A, Goitein M, Finkelstein D, Hug E, Liebsch N, 0'Farrell D, Lyons S, Munzenrider J.
    Analysis of the relationship between tumor dose inhomogeneity and local control in patients with skull base chordoma.
    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 45: 351-8, 1999
  19. Torzilli G, Minagawa M, Takayama T, Inoue K, Hui AM, Kubota K, Ohtomo K, Makuuchi M.
    Accurate preoperative evaluation of liver mass lesions without fine-needle biopsy.
    Hepatology 30: 889-93, 1999
  20. Watanabe N, Oku S, Inoue Y, Momose T, Otake T, Tanada S, Murata H, Sasaki Y, Endo K.
    Perfusion recovery after lung volume reduction surgery.
    Clin Nucl Med 24: 619-21, 1999
  21. Yanase M, keda H, Ogata I, Ohno A, Moriya A, Miura N, Kimura S, Mori M, Oka T, Ohtomo K, Mori K, Matsuura A, Harihara Y, Takayama T, Makuuchi M.
    Primary smooth muscle tumor of the liver encasing hepatobiliary cystadenoma without mesenchymal stroma.
    Am J Surg Pathol 23: 854-9, 1999
  22. Yokoyama I, Momomura S, Ohtake T, Yonekura K, Yang W, Kobayakawa N, Aoyagi T, Sugiura S, Yamada N, Ohtomo K, Sasaki Y, Omata M, Yazaki Y.
    Improvement of impaired myocardial vasodilatation due to diffuse coronary atherosclerosis in hypercholesterolemics after lipid-1owering therapy.
    Circulation 100: 117-22, 1999
  23. Yokoyama I, Ohtake T, Momomura S, Yonekura K, Kobayakawa N, Aoyagi T, Sugiura S, Yamada N, Ohtomo K, Sasaki Y, Omata M, Yazaki Y.
    Insulin action on heart and skeletal muscle FDG uptake in patients with hypertriglyceridemia.
    J Nucl Med 40: 1116-21, 1999

英文原著 2000年

  1. Abe O, Okubo T, Hayashi N, Saito N, Iriguchi N, Shirouzu I, Kojima Y Masumoto T, Ohtomo K, Sasaki Y.
    Temporal changes of the apparent diffusion coefficients of water and metabolites in rats with hemispheric infarction: experimental study of transhemispheric diaschisis in the contralateral hemisphere at 7T.
    J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 20: 726-35, 2000
  2. Aoki S, Yoshikawa T, Hori M, Nanbu A, Kumagai H, Nishiyama Y, Nukui H, Araki T.
    MR digital subtraction angiography for the assessment of cranial arteriovenous malformations and fistulas.
    AJR Am J Roentgenol 175: 451-3, 2000
  3. Aoki S, Yoshikawa T, Hori M, Ishigame K, Nambu A, Kumagai H, Araki T.
    2D thick-slice MR digital subtraction angiography for assessment of cerebrovascular occlusive diseases.
    Eur Radiol 10: 1858-64, 2000
  4. Arbab AS, Nishiyama Y, Aoki S, Yoshikawa T, Kumagai H, Araki T, Nagaseki Y, Nukui H.
    Simultaneous display of MRA and MPR in detecting vascular compression for trigeminal neuralgia or hemifacial spasm: comparison with oblique sagittal views of MRI.
    Eur Radiol 10: 1056-60, 2000
  5. Hasegawa K, Kubota K, Aoki T, Hirai I, Miyazawa M, Ohtomo K, Makuuchi M.
    Ischemic cholangitis caused by transcatheter hepatic arterial chemoembolization 10 months after resection of the extrahepatic bile duct.
    Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 23: 304-6, 2000
  6. Hayashi M, Takaichi K, Kariya T, Kanbe H, Hayashi N, Honsei M, Hayashi S, Yasuda H, Ueno T, Fujita T.
    Malignant insulinoma which expressed a unique creatine kinase isoenzyme: clinical value of arterial embolization as a palliative therapy.
    Intern Med 39: 474-7, 2000
  7. Hui AM, Takayama T, Sano K, Kubota K, Akahane M, Ohtomo K, Makuuchi M.
    Predictive value of gross classification of hepatocellular carcinoma on recurrence and survival after hepatectomy.
    J Hepatol 33: 975-9, 2000
  8. Ichikawa T, Federle MP, Ohba S, Ohtomo K, Sugiyama A, Fujimoto H, Haradome H, Araki T.
    Atypical exocrine and endocrine pancreatic tumors (anaplastic, small cell, and giant cell types): CT and pathologic features in 14 patients.
    Abdom Imaging 25: 409-19, 2000
  9. Inoue Y, Yoshikawa K, Yokoyama I, Ohtomo K.
    Estimation of 99mTc-MAG3 clearance by single-sample methods and camera-based methods.
    Ann Nucl Med 14: 329-32, 2000
  10. Inoue Y, Yoshikawa K, Suzuki T, Katayama N, Yokoyama I, Kohsaka T, Tsukune Y, Ohtomo K.
    Attenuation correction in evaluating renal function by a camera-based method in children and adults.
    J Nucl Med 41: 823-9, 2000
  11. Inoue Y, Yoshikawa K, Yoshioka N, Watanabe T, Saegusa S, Kaneko Y, Yokoyama I, Ohtomo K.
    Evaluation of renal function with 99mTc-MAG3 using semiautomated regions of interest.
    J Nucl Med 41: 1947-54, 2000
  12. Kami M, Tanaka Y, Kanda Y, Ogawa S, Masumoto T, Ohtomo K, Matsumura T, Saito T, Machida U, Kashima T, Hirai H.
    Computed tomographic scan of the chest, latex agglutination test and plasma (1AE3)-beta-D-glucan assay in early diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis: a prospective study of 215 patients.
    Haematologica 85: 745-52, 2000
  13. Katayama N, Inoue Y, Ichikawa T, Harada M, Itoh T, Shimoyamada K, Ikeda M, Tsukune Y.
    Increased activity in benign phyllodes tumor on Tc-99m MDP scintimammography.
    Clin Nucl Med 25: 551-2, 2000
  14. Kozuka T, Aoki Y, Nakagawa K, Ohtomo K, Yoshikawa H, Matsumoto K, Yoshiike K, Kanda T.
    Enhancer-promoter activity of human papillomavirus type 16 long control regions isolated from cell lines SiHa and CaSki and cervical cancer biopsies.
    Jpn J Cancer Res 91: 271-9, 2000
  15. Kurita H, Kawamoto S, Sasaki T, Shin M, Tago M, Terahara A, Ueki K, Kirino T.
    Results of radiosurgery for brain stem arteriovenous malformations.
    J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 68: 563-70, 2000
  16. Kurita H, Segawa H, Shin M, Ueki K, Ichi S, Sasaki T, Tago M, Kirino T.
    Radiosurgery of meningeal melanocytoma.
    J Neurooncol 46: 57-61, 2000
  17. Kurita H, Ueki K, Shin M, Kawamoto S, Sasaki T, Tago M, Kirino T.
    Headaches in patients with radiosurgically treated occipital arteriovenous malformations.
    J Neurosurg 93: 224-8, 2000
  18. Matsuoka Y, Masumoto T, Koga H, Suzuki K, Ushimi T, Terada H, Tamura A, Yokoyama Y, Abe K, Kamata N.
    Positive and negative oral contrast agents for combined abdominal and pelvic helical CT: first iodinated agent and second water.
    Radiat Med 18: 213-6, 2000
  19. Mori H, Yoshioka H, Ahmadi T, Saida Y, Ohara K, Itai Y.
    Early radiation effects on the liver demonstrated on superparamagnetic iron oxide-enhanced T1-weighted MRI.
    J Comput Assist Tomogr 24: 648-51, 2000
  20. Mori K, Yoshioka H, Itai Y, Okamoto Y, Mori H, Takahashi N, Saida Y.
    Arterioportal shunts in cirrhotic patients: evaluation of the difference between tumorous and nontumorous arterioportal shunts on MR imaging with superparamagnetic iron oxide.
    AJR Am J Roentgenol 175: 1659-64, 2000
  21. Nakagawa K, Tago M, Terahara A, Aoki Y, Sasaki T, Kurita H, Shin M, Kawamoto S, Kirino T, Ohtomo K.
    A single institutional outcome analysis of Gamma Knife radiosurgery for single or multiple brain metastases.
    Clin Neurol Neurosurg 102: 227-32, 2000
  22. Nakagawa K, Aoki Y, Tago M, Terahara A, Ohtomo K.
    Megavoltage CT-assisted stereotactic radiosurgery for thoracic tumors: original research in the treatment of thoracic neoplasms.
    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 48: 449-57, 2000
  23. Nakagawa K, Mizuno S, Aoki Y, Ohtomo K.
    C-MOS flat-panel sensor for real-time X-ray imaging.
    Radiat Med 18: 349-53, 2000
  24. Ohtomo K.
    Reimbursement in Japan.
    Eur Radiol 10(supplement3): 424-5, 2000
  25. Ohtsuka T, Akahane M, Ohtomo K, Kotsuka Y, Takamoto S.
    Three-dimensional computed tomography for reoperative minimally invasive coronary artery bypass.
    Ann Thorac Surg 70: 1734-5, 2000
  26. Okubo T, Yoshioka N, Hayashi N, Abe O, Masumoto T, Sasaki T, Ohtomo K.
    Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the cranial nerves in patients with acoustic schwannoma: correlation with surgical findings.
    Acta Otolaryngol 542(supplement): 13-7, 2000
  27. Sakurai Y, Momose T, Iwata M, Sudo Y, Ohtomo K, Kanazawa I.
    Different cortical activity in reading of Kanji words, Kana words and Kana nonwords.
    Cogn Brain Res 91: 111-5, 2000
    Shin M, Kurita H, Sasaki T, Tago M, Morita A, Ueki K, Kirino T.
    Stereotactic radiosurgery for pituitary adenoma invading the cavernous sinus.
    J Neurosurg 93(supplement3): 2-5, 2000
  28. Shin M, Kurita H, Tago M, Kirino T.
    Stereotactic radiosurgery for tentorial dural arteriovenous fistulae draining into the vein of galen: report of two cases.
    Neurosurgey 46: 730-4, 2000
  29. Tago M, Terahara A, Nakagawa K, Aoki Y, Ohtomo K, Shin M, Kurita H.
    Immediate neurological deterioration after gamma knife radiosurgery for acoustic neuroma: case report.
    J Neurosurg 93(supplement3): 78-81, 2000
  30. Takeuchi T, Kozuka T, Nakagawa K, Aoki Y, Ohtomo K, Yoshiike K, Kanda T.
    Adeno-associated virus type 2 nonstructural protein rep78 suppresses translation in vitro.
    Virology 266: 196-202, 2000
  31. Terahara A, Machida T, Kubo T, Aoki Y, Ohtomo K.
    Analysis of dose distribution in gamma knife radiosurgery for multiple targets.
    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 47: 1431-4, 2000
  32. Yokoyama I, Yonekura K, Ohtake T, Kawamura H, Matsumoto A, Inoue Y, Aoyagi T, Sugiura S, Omata M, Ohtomo K, Nagai R.
    Role of insulin resistance in heart and skeletal muscle F-18 fluorodeoxyglusose uptake in patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
    J Nucl Cardiol 7: 242-8, 2000
  33. Yokoyama I, Yonekura K, Ohtake T, Yang W, Shin WS, Yamada N, Ohtomo K, Nagai R.
    Coronary microangiopathy in type 2 diabetic patients: relation to glycemic control, sex, and microvascular angina rather than to coronary artery disease.
    J Nucl Med 41: 978-85, 2000
  34. Yoshikawa T, Aoki S, Hori M, Nambu A, Kumagai H, Araki T.
    Time-resolved two-dimensional thick-slice magnetic resonance digital subtraction angiography in assessing brain tumors.
    Eur Radiol 10: 736-44, 2000
  35. Yoshioka N, Minami M, Inoue Y, Kawauchi N, Nakajima J, Oka T, Yoshikawa K, Ohtomo K.
    Pedunculated bronchogenic cyst mimicking pleural lesion.
    J Comput Assist Tomogr 24: 581-3, 2000
  36. Yoshioka H, Itai Y, Saida Y, Mori K, Mori H, Okumura T.
    Superparamagnetic iron oxide-enhanced MR imaging for early and late radiation-induced hepatic injuries.
    Magn Reson Imaging 18: 1079-88, 2000
  37. Zhu L, Saito N, Abe O, Okubo T, Yamada H, Kawahara N, Asai A, Kirino T.
    Changes in the apparent diffusion coefficient of water and T2 relaxation time in gerbil hippocampuss after mild ischemia.
    Neuroreport 11: 3333-6, 2000

英文原著 2001年

  1. Aota Y. Onari K. An HS. Yoshikawa K.
    Dorsal root ganglia morphologic features in patients with herniation of the nucleus pulposus: assessment using magnetic resonance myelography and clinical correlation.
    Spine 26: 2125-32, 2001
  2. Arbab AS, Aoki S, Toyama K, Kumagai H, Arai T, Kabasawa H, Takahashi Y, Araki T.
    Brain perfusion measured by flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) and dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging: comparison with nuclear medicine technique.
    Eur Radiol 11: 635-41, 2001
  3. Fujimoto N, Nakagawa K, Seichi A, Terahara A, Tago M, Aoki Y, Hosoi Y, Ohtomo K.
    A new bisphosphonate treatment option for giant cell tumors.
    Oncol Rep 8: 643-47, 2001
  4. Hosoi Y, Miyachi H, Matsumoto Y, Enomoto A, Nakagawa K, Suzuki N, Ono T.
    Induction of IL-1beta and IL-6 mRNA by low doses of ionizing radiation in macrophages.
    Int J Cancer 96: 270-6, 2001
  5. Ichikawa T, Sou H, Araki T, Arbab AS, Yoshikawa T, Ishigame K, Haradome H, Hachiya J.
    Duct-penetrating sign at MRCP: usefulness for differentiating inflammatory pancreatic mass from pancreatic carcinomas.
    Radiology 221: 107-16, 2001
  6. Igaki H, Nakagawa K, Aoki Y, Ohtomo Kuni, kukimoto I, Kanda T.
    Characterization of the Bi-directional transcriptional control region between the human UFD1L and CDC45L genes.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 283: 569-76, 2001
  7. Inoue Y, Abe O, Kawakami T, Ozaki T, Inoue M, Yokoyama I, Yoshikawa K, Ohtomo K.
    Metabolism of 99mTc-ECD in infarcted brain tissue of rats.
    J Nucl Med 42: 802-7, 2001
  8. Kami M, Tanaka Y, Chiba S, Matsumura T, Machida U, Kanda Y, Nakagawa K, Mitsuhashi T, Tanaka Y, Hirai H.
    Thyroid function after bone marrow transplantation: possible association between immune-mediated thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism.
    Transplantation 71: 406-11, 2001
  9. Kasai K, Yamada H, Kamio S, Nakagome K, Iwanami A, Fukuda M, Itoh K, Koshida I, Yumoto M, Iramina K, Kato N, Ueno S.
    Brain lateralization for mismatch response to across- and within-category change of vowels.
    Neuroreport 12: 2467-71, 2001
  10. Katayama N, Inoue Y, Harada M, Shimoyamada K, Ikeda M, Tsukune Y.
    Avid Ga-67 uptake in a breast metastasis from cancer of the tongue.
    Clin Nucl Med 26: 149, 2001
  11. Kita Y, Harihara Y, Sano K, Hirata M, Kubota K, Takayama T, Ohtomo K, Makuuchi M.
    Reversible hepatofugal portal flow after liver transplantation using a small-for-size graft from a living donor.
    Transpl Int 14: 217-22, 2001
  12. Kobayashi T, Kubota K, Imamura H, Hasegawa K, Inoue Y, Takayama T, Makuuchi M.
    Hepatic phenylalanine metabolism measured by the [13C]phenylalanine breath test.
    Eur J Clin Invest 31: 356-61, 2001
    Kurita H, Suzuki I, Shin M, Kawai K, Tago M, Momose T, Kirino T.
    Successful radiosurgical treatment of lesional epilepsy of mesial temporal origin.
    Minim Invasive Neurosurg 44: 43-6, 2001
  13. Kuwatsuru R, Kadoya M, Ohtomo K, Tanimoto A, Hirohashi S, Murakami T, Tanaka Y, Yoshikawa K, Katayama H.
    Comparison of gadobenate dimeglumine with gadopentetate dimeglumine for magnetic resonance imaging of liver tumors.
    Invest Radiol 36: 632-41, 2001
  14. Matsuoka Y, Ohtomo K, Araki T, Kojima K, Yoshikawa W, Fuwa S.
    MR imaging of clear cell carcinoma of the ovary.
    Eur Radiol 11: 946-51, 2001
  15. Matsuoka Y, Ohtomo K, Araki T, Kojima K, Kunimatsu N, Fujimoto N.
    Contrast medium precipitation in the stomach between contiguous plain and contrast CT scans.
    Radiat Med 19: 165-7, 2001
  16. Miki K, Kubota K, Inoue Y, Vera DR, Makuuchi M.
    Receptor measurements via Tc-GSA kinetic modeling are proportional to functional hepatocellular mass.
    J Nucl Med 42: 733-7, 2001
  17. Minagawa M, Makuuchi M, Takayama T, Ohtomo K.
    Selection criteria for hepatectomy in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and portal vein tumor thrombus.
    Ann Surg 233: 379-84, 2001
  18. Mori H, Abe O, Okubo T, Hayashi N, Yoshikawa T, Kunimatsu A, Yamada H, Aoki S, Ohtomo K.
    Diffusion property in a hamartomatous lesion of neurofibromatosis type 1.
    J Comput Assist Tomogr 25: 537-9, 2001
  19. Nakagawa K, Kozuka T, Akahane M, Suzuki G, Akashi M, Hosoi Y, Aoki Y, Ohtomo K.
    Radiological findings of accidental radiation injury of the fingers: a case report.
    Health Phys 80: 67-70, 2001
  20. Sakurai Y, Momose T, Iwata M, Sudo Y, Ohtomo K, Kanazawa I.
    Cortical activity associated with vocalization and reading proper.
    Brain Res Cogn Brain Res 12: 161-5, 2001
  21. Sakurai Y, Momose T, Iwata M, Sudo Y, Kumakura Y, Ohtomo K, Kanazawa I.
    Cortical activation in reading assessed by region of interest based analysis and statistical parametric mapping.
    Brain Res Brain Res Protoc 6: 167-71, 2001
  22. Shin M, Kurita H, Sasaki T, Kawamoto S, Tago M, Kawahara N, Morita A, UekiK, Kirino T.
    Analysis of treatment outcome after stereotactic radiosurgery for cavernous sinus meningiomas.
    J Neurosurg 95: 435-9, 2001
  23. Tateishi A. Mitsui H. Oki T. Morishita J. Maekawa H. Yahagi N. Maruyama T. Ichinose M. Ohnishi S. Shiratori Y. Minami M. Koutetsu S. Hori N. Watanabe T. Nagawa H. Omata M.
    Extensive mesenteric vein and portal vein thrombosis successfully treated by thrombolysis and anticoagulation.
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol 16: 1429-33, 2001
  24. Yokoyama I, Yonekura K, Inoue Y, Ohtomo K, Nagai R.
    Long-term effect of simvastatin on the improvement of impaired myocardial flow reserve in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia without gender variance.
    J Nucl Cardiol 8: 445-51, 2001
  25. Yokoyama I, Yonekura K, Moritan T, Tateno M, Momose T, Ohtomo K, Inoue Y, Nagai R.
    Troglitazone improves whole-body insulin resistance and skeletal muscle glucose utilization in type 2 diabetics.
    J Nucl Med 42: 1005-10, 2001

英文原著 2002年

  1. Abe O, Aoki S, Hayashi N, Yamada H, Kunimatsu A, Mori H, Yoshikawa T, Okubo T, Ohtomo K.
    Normal aging in the central nervous system: quantitative MR diffusion-tensor analysis.
    Neurobiol Aging 23: 433-41, 2002
  2. Araki T, Aoki S, Ishigame K, Kumagai H, Nanbu A, Hori M, Ueki J, Komiyama T, Araki T.
    MR-guided intravascular catheter manipulation: feasibility of both active and passive tracking in experimental study and initial clinical applications.
    Radiat Med 20: 1-8, 2002
  3. Aoki S, Hayashi N, Abe O, Shirouzu I, Ishigame K, Okubo T, Nakagawa K, Ohtomo K, Araki T.
    Radiation-induced arteritis: thickened wall with prominent enhancement on cranial MR images report of five cases and comparison with 18 cases of Moyamoya disease.
    Radiology 223: 683-8, 2002
  4. Arbab AS, Aoki S, Toyama K, Miyazawa N, Kumagai H, Umeda T, Arai T, Araki T, Kabasawa H, Takahashi Y.
    Quantitative measurement of regional cerebral blood flow with flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery imaging: comparison with [iodine 123]-iodoamphetamin single photon emission CT.
    AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 23: 381-8, 2002
  5. Arbab AS, Ichikawa T, Soh H, Araki T, Nakajima H, Ishigame K, Yoshikawa T, Kumagai H.
    Ferumoxides-enhanced double-echo T2-weighted MR imaging in differentiating metastases from nonsolid benign lesions of the liver.
    Radiology 225: 151-8, 2002
  6. Hayashi N, Tsutsumi Y, Barkovich AJ.
    Morphological features and associated anomalies of schizencephaly in the clinical population: detailed analysis of MR images.
    Neuroradiology 44: 418-27, 2002
  7. Hayashi N, Tsutsumi Y, Barkovich AJ.
    Polymicrogyria without porencephaly/schizencephaly. MRI analysis of the spectrum and the prevalence of macroscopic findings in the clinical population.
    Neuroradiology 44: 647-55, 2002
  8. Hayashi N, Masumoto T, Abe O, Aoki S, Ohtomo K, Tajiri Y.
    Accuracy of abnormal paraspinal muscle findings on contrast-enhanced MR images as indirect signs of unilateral cervical root-avulsion injury.
    Radiology 223: 397-402, 2002
  9. Honda N, Machida K, Inoue Y, Hosono M, Takahashi T, Kashimada A, Osada H, Murata O, Ohmichi M, Watanabe W, Okada T, Itoyama S.
    Scintigraphic findings of MALT lymphoma of the thyroid.
    Ann Nucl Med 16: 289-92, 2002
  10. Honda N, Machida K, Hosono M, Toyoda H, Kinoshita M, Inoue Y, Takahashi T, Kamono T, Kashimada A, Osada H.
    Findings of cardiac radionuclide images in myotonic dystrophy.
    Japanese Journal of Tomography 29: 118-27, 2002
  11. Honda N, Machida K, Hosono M, Matsumoto T, Matsuda H, Ohoshima M, Koizumumi K, Kosuda S, Momose T, Mori Y, Hashimoto J, Shimizu Y.
    Interobserver variation in diagnosis of dementia by brain perfusion SPECT.
    Radiat Med 20: 281-9, 2002
  12. Hosoi Y, Matsumoto Y, Tomita M, Enomoto A, Morita A, Sakai K, Umeda N, Zhao H-J, Nakagawa K,Ono T, Suzuki N.
    Phosphorothioate oligonucleotides, suramin and heparin inhibit DNA-dependent protein kinase activity.
    Br J Cancer 86: 1143-9, 2002
  13. Inoue Y, Akahane M, Kitazawa T, Ijichi H, Obi S, Yoshikawa K, Ohtomo K, Omata M.
    False positive uptake of metaiodobenzylguanidine in hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Br J Radiol 75: 548-51, 2002
  14. Kami M, Kishi Y, Hamaki T, Kawabata M, Kashima T, Masumoto T, Oki Y, Tanaka Y, Sawada S, Machida U, Ohtomo K, Kanda Y, Hirai H, Mutou Y.
    The value of the chest computed tomography halo sign in the diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. An autopsy-based retrospective study of 48 patients.
    Mycoses 45: 287-94, 2002
  15. Kasai K, Yamada H, Kamio S, Nakagome K, Iwanami A, Fukuda M, Yumoto M, Itoh K, Koshida I, Abe O, Kato N.
    Do high or low doses of anxiolytics and hypnotics affect mismatch negativity in schizophrenic subjects? An EEG and MEG study.
    Clin Neurophysiol 113: 141-50, 2002
  16. Kiryu S, Okada Y, Ohtomo K.
    Differentiation between hemangiomas and cysts of the liver with single-shot fast-spin echo image using short and long TE.
    J Comput Assist Tomogr 26: 687-90, 2002
  17. Komuro Y, Watanabe T, Hosoi Y, Matsumoto Y, Nakagawa K, Tsuno N, Kazama S, Kitayama J, Suzuki N, Nagawa H.
    The expression pattern of Ku correlates with tumor radiosensitivy and disease free survival in patients with rectal carcinoma.
    Cancer 95: 1199-205, 2002
  18. Maruyama K, Shin M, Kurita H, Tago M, Kirino T.
    Stereotactic radiosurgery for dural arteriovenous fistula involving the superior sagittal sinus. Case report.
    J Neurosurg 97(5supplement): 481-3, 2002
  19. Masutani Y, MacMahon H, Doi K.
    Computerized detection of pulmonary embolism in spiral CT angiography based on volumetric image analysis.
    IEEE Trans Med Imaging 21: 1517-23, 2002
  20. Miyazawa N, Aoki S, Yoyama K, Arbab AS, Hori M, Umeda T, Araki T, Nukui H.
    Velocity-coded colour magnetic resonance angiography and perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging for the evaluation of extracranial-to-intracranial arterial bypass surgery.
    Clin Neurol Neurosurg 105: 48-59, 2002
  21. Mori H, Abe O, Aoki S, Masumoto T, Yoshikawa T, Kunimatsu A, Hayashi N, Ohtomo K.
    Hemorrhagic brain metastases with high signal intensity on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images.
    Acta radiol 43: 563-6, 2002
  22. Mori H, Yoshioka H, Mori K, Ahmadi T, Okumura T, Saida Y, Itai Y.
    Radiation-induced Liver Injury Showing Low Intensity on T2-weighted Images Noted in Budd-Chiari Syndrome.
    Radiat Med 20: 69-76, 2002
  23. Mori H, Aoki S, Masumoto T, Yoshikawa T, Tago M, Shin M, Ohtomo K, Kabasawa H.
    Two-dimensional magnetic resonance digital subtraction angiography using array spatial sensitivity encoding techniques in the assessment of intracranial hemodynamics.
    Radiat Med 20: 223-9, 2002
    Mori H, Aoki S, Shin M, Tago M, Masumoto T, Yoshikawa T, Hayashi N, Abe O, Ohtomo K.
    Slowly enhancing lesions after gamma knife radiosurgery for cerebral arteriovenous malformations: report of three patients.
    Rivista di Neuroradiologia 15: 737-43, 2002
  24. Mori H, Hayashi N, Aoki S, Abe O, Masumoto T, Yoshikawa T, Ohtomo K, Shinoe T, Nakamoto T.
    Hypereosinophilia-induced encephalopathy associated with human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1.
    Rivista di Neuroradiologia 15: 763-8, 2002
  25. Mori H, Abe O, Maruyama K, Shin M, Tago M, Masumoto T, Yoshikawa T, Yamada H, Hayashi N, Aoki S, Ohtomo K.
    Parietal arteriovenous malformation associated with ipsilateral persistent primitive hypoglossal artery: a case report.
    Rivista di Neuroradiologia 15: 769-72, 2002
  26. Nakamura N, Shin M, Tago M, Terahara A, Kurita H, Nakagawa K, Ohtomo K.
    Gamma knife radiosurgery for cavernous hemangiomas in the cavernous sinus. Report of three cases.
    J Neurosurg 97(5supplement): 477-80, 2002
  27. Oku S, Nakagawa K, Momose T, Kumakura Y, Abe A, Watanabe T, Ohtomo K.
    FDG-PET after radiotherapy is a good prognostic indicator of rectal cancer.
    Ann Nucl Med 16: 409-16, 2002
  28. Shin M, Kawamoto S, Kurita H, Tago M, Sasaki T, Morita A, Ueki K, Kirino T.
    Retrospective analysis of a 10-year experience of stereotactic radiosurgery for arteriovenous malformations in children and adolescents.
    J Neurosurg 97: 779-84, 2002
  29. Sugiyama A, Ishida Y, Satoh Y, Aoki S, Hori M, Akie Y, Kobayashi Y, Hashimoto K.
    Electrophysiological, anatomical and histological remodeling of the heart to AV block enhances susceptibility to arrhythmogenic effects of QT-prolonging drugs.
    Jpn J Pharmacol 88: 341-50, 2002
  30. Tsuji T, Suzuki J, Shimamoto R, Yamazaki T, Nakajima T, Nagai R, Komatsu S, Ohtomo K, Toyooka T, Omata M.
    Vector analysis of the wall shear rate at the human aortoiliac bifurcation using cine MR velocity mapping.
    AJR Am J Roentgenol 178: 995-9, 2002
  31. Yamada H, Momose T, Okada M, Kuroiwa Y.
    Anticholinergic drugs: response of parkinsonism not responsive to levodopa.
    J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 72: 111-3, 2002
  32. Yamasue H, Fukui T, Fukuda R, Yamada H, Yamasaki S, Kuroki N, Abe O, Kasai K, Tsujii K, Iwanami A, Aoki S, Ohtomo K, Kato N, Kato T.
    1H-MR spectroscopy and gray matter volume of the anterior cingulate cortex in schizophrenia.
    Neuroreport 13: 2133-7, 2002
  33. Yonekura K, Yokoyama I, Ohtake T, Inoue Y, Aoyagi T, Sugiura S, Momose T, Otomo K, Nagai R.
    Reduced myocardial flow reserve in anatomically normal coronary arteries due to elevated baseline myocardial blood flow in men with old myocardial infarction.
    J Nucl Cardiol 9: 62-7, 2002
  34. Yoshida H, Masutani Y, MacEneaney P, Rubin DT, Dachman AH.
    Computerized detection of colonic polyps at CT colonography on the basis of volumetric features: pilot study.
    Radiology 222: 327-36, 2002
  35. Yoshida M, Hosoi Y, Miyachi H, Ishii N, Matsumoto Y, Enomoto A, Nakagawa K, Yamadam S, Suzuki N, Ono T.
    Roles of DNA-dependent protein kinase and ATM in cell-cycle depedent radiation sensitivity in human cells.
    Int J Radiat Biol 78: 503-12, 2002
  36. Yoshikawa T, Abe O, Tsuchiya K, Okubo T, Tobe K, Masumoto T, Hayashi N, Mori H, Yamada H, Aoki S, Ohtomo K.
    Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of dural sinus thrombosis.
    Neuroradiology 44: 481-8, 2002
  37. Yoshimura M, Yamamoto T, Isoo N, Imafuku I, Momose T, Shirouzu I, Kwak S, Kanazawa I.
    Hemiparkinsonism associated with a mesencephalic tumor.
    J Neurol Sci 197: 89-92, 2002
  38. Zou Y, Yamazaki T, Nakagawa K, Yamada H, Iriguchi N, Toko H, Takano H, Akazawa H, Nagai R, Komuro I.
    Continuous blockade of L-type Ca2+ channels suppresses activation of calcineurin and development of cardiac hypertrophy in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
    Hypertens Res 25: 117-24, 2002

英文原著 2003年

  1. Abe O, Aoki S, Shirouzu I, Kunimatsu A, Hayashi N, Masumoto T, Mori H, Yamada H, Watanabe M, Masutani Y, Ohtomo K.
    MR imaging of ischemic penumbra.
    Eur J Radiol 46: 67-78, 2003
  2. Abe O, Nakane M, Aoki S, Hayashi N, Masumoto T, Kunimatsu A, Mori H, Tamura A, Ohtomo K.
    MR imaging of postischemic neuronal death in the substantia nigra and thalamus following middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats.
    NMR Biomed 16: 152-9, 2003
  3. Fuchs F, Laub G, Ohtomo K.
    True FISP-technical consideration and cardiovascular application.
    Eur J Radiol 46: 28-32, 2003
  4. Gomi K, Oguchi M, Hirokawa Y, Kenjo M, Ogata T, Takahashi Y, Nakamura N, Yamashita T, Teshima T, Inoue T, and Japanese Patterns of Care Study Working Subgroup of Esophageal Cancer.
    Process and preliminary outcome of a patternes-of-care study of esophageal cancer in Japan: patients treated with surgery and radiotherapy.
    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 56: 813-22, 2003
  5. Haradome H, Ichikawa T, Sou H, Yoshikawa T, Nakamura A, Araki T, Hachiya J.
    The pearl necklace sign: an imaging sign of adenomyomatosis of the gallbladder at MR cholangiopahcreatography.
    Radiology 227: 80-8, 2003
  6. Hasegawa K, Imamura H, Akahane M, Miura Y, Takayama T, Ohtomo K, Makuuchi M.
    Endovascular stenting for celiac axis stenosis before pancreaticoduodenectomy.
    Surgery 133: 440-2, 2003
  7. Hayashi N, Masutani Y, Masumoto T, Mori H, Kunimatsu A, Abe O, Aoki S, Otomo K, Takano N, Matsumoto K.
    Feasibility of a curvature-based enhanced display system for detecting cerebral aneurysms in MR angiography.
    Magnetic Resonance in Medical Science 2: 29-36, 2003
  8. Hayashi N, Masumoto T, Okubo T, Abe O, Kaji N, Tokioka K, Aoki S, Ohtomo K.
    Hemangiomas in the face and extremities: MR-guided sclerotherapy optimization with monitoring of signal intensity changes in vivo.
    Radiology 226: 567-72, 2003
  9. Honda N, Machida K, Matsumoto T, Matsuda H, Imabayashi E, Hashimoto J, Hosono M, Inoue Y, Koizumi K, Kosuda S, Momose T, Mori Y, Oshima M.
    Three-dimensional stereotactic surface projection of brain perfusion SPECT improves diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.
    Ann Nucl Med 17: 641-8, 2003
  10. Hori M, Ishigame K, Aoki S, Araki T.
    Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease shown by line scan diffusion-weighted imaging.
    AJR Am J Roentgenol 180: 1481-2, 2003
  11. Inoue Y, Komatsu Y, Yoshikawa K, Akahane M, Isayama H, Ohtomo K, Omata M.
    Biliary motor function in gallstone patients evaluated by fatty-meal MR cholangiography.
    J Magn Reson Imaging 18: 196-203, 2003
  12. Inoue Y, Suzuki A, Shirouzu I, Machida T, Yoshizawa Y, Akita F, Ohnishi S, Yoshikawa K, Ohtomo K.
    Effect of collimator choice on quantitative assessment of cardiac iodine 123 MIBG uptake.
    J Nucl Cardiol 10: 623-32, 2003
  13. Inoue Y, Shirouzu I, Machida T, Yoshizawa Y, Akita F, Doi I, Watadani T, Noda M, Yoshikawa K, Ohtomo K.
    Physical characteristics of low and medium energy collimators for 123I imaging and simultaneous dual-isotope imaging.
    Nucl Med Commun 24: 1195-202, 2003
  14. Isayama H, Komatsu Y, Inoue Y, Toda N, Shiratori Y, Tsujino T, Yamada H, Saitou K, Kawabe T, Omata M.
    Preserved function of the Oddi sphincter after endoscopic papillary balloon dilation.
    Hepatogastroenterology 50: 1787-91, 2003
  15. Kaneda T, Minami M, Kurabayashi T.
    Benign odontogenic tumors of the mandible and maxilla.
    Neuroimaging Clin N Am 13: 495-507, 2003
  16. Kasai K, Yamada H, Kamio S, Nakagome K, Iwanami A, Fukuda M, Yumoto M, Itoh K, Koshida I, Abe O, Kato N.
    Neuromagnetic correlates of impaired automatic categorical perception of speech sounds in schizophrenia.
    Schizophr Res 59: 159-72, 2003
  17. Kiryu S, Raptopoulos V, Baptista J, Hatabu H.
    Increased prevalence of coronary artery calcification in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism.
    Acad Radiol 10: 840-5, 2003
  18. Kitagawa H, Goto A, Minami M, Nakajima J, Niki T, Fukayama M.
    Sclerosing hemangioma of the lung with cystic appearance.
    Jpn J Clin Oncol 33: 360-3, 2003
  19. Koike Y, Nakagawa K, Shiratori Y, Shiina S, Imamura M, Sato S, Obi S, Teratani T, Hamamura K, Yoshida H, Omata M.
    Factors affecting the prognosis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma invading the portal vein-a retrospective analysis using 952 consecutive HCC patients.
    Hepatogastroenterology 50: 2035-9, 2003
  20. Komuro Y, Watanabe T, Hosoi Y, Matsumoto Y, Nakagawa K, Nagawa H.
    Prediction of tumor radiosensitivity in rectal carcinoma based on p53 and Ku70 expression.
    J Exp Clin Cancer Res 22: 223-8, 2003
  21. Konishi A, Higo R, Nito T, Masumoto T, Seichi A.
    A case report of unilateral hypoglossal neuroparalysis resulting from horizontal subluxation in the atlanto-occipital joint due to rheumatoid arthritis.
    ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 65: 306-9, 2003
  22. Kubota K, Momose T, Abe A, Narita N, Ohtomo K, Minaguchi S, Funakoshi M, Sasaki Y, Kojima Y.
    Nuclear medical PET-study in the causal relationship between mastication and brain function in human evolutionary and developmental processes.
    Ann Anat 185: 565-9, 2003
  23. Kunimatsu A, Abe O, Aoki S, Hayashi N, Okubo T, Masumoto T, Mori H, Yoshikawa T, Yamada H, Ohtomo K.
    Neuro-Behcet's disease: analysis of apparent diffusion coefficients.
    Neuroradiology 45: 524-7, 2003
  24. Kunimatsu A, Aoki S, Masutani Y, Abe O, Mori H, Ohtomo K.
    Three-dimensional white matter tractography by diffusion tensor imaging in ischaemic stroke involving the corticospinal tract.
    Neuroradiology 45: 532-5, 2003
  25. Lee K, Kaneda T, Mori S, Minami M, Motohashi J, Yamashiro M.
    Magnetic resonance imaging of normal and osteomyelitis in the mandible: assessment of short inversion time inversion recovery sequence.
    Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 96: 499-507, 2003
  26. Machida K, Inoue Y, Honda N, Hosono M, Takahashi T, Kashimada A.
    Spontaneous regression of chest wall malignant lymphoma. Presentation on Ga-67 imaging.
    Clin Nucl Med 28: 405-7, 2003
  27. Maeda M, Shiroyama T, Shimono T, Aoki S, Takeda K.
    Transient splenial lesion of the corpus callosum associated with antiepileptic drugs: evaluation by diffusion-weighted MR imaging.
    Eur Radiol 13: 1902-6, 2003
  28. Masumoto T, Hayashi N, Mori H, Aoki S, Abe O, Ohtomo K, Abe T, Takahashi T.
    Development of intraarterial contrast-enhanced 2D MRDSA with a 0.3 Tesla open MRI system.
    Magnetic Resonance in Medical Science 2: 97-103, 2003
  29. Masutani Y, Aoki S, Abe O, Hayashi N, Ohtomo K.
    MR diffusion tensor imaging: recent advance and new techniques for diffusion tensor visualization.
    Eur J Radiol 46: 53-66, 2003
  30. Matsuhashi N, Akahane M, Nakajima A.
    Barium impaction therapy for refractory colonic diverticular bleeding.
    AJR Am J Roentgenol 180: 490-2, 2003
  31. Minowada S, Fujimura T, Takahashi N, Kishi H, Hasuo H, Minami M.
    Computed tomography-guided percutaneous acetic acid injection therapy for functioning adrenocortical adenoma.
    J Clin Endocrinol Metab 88: 5814-7, 2003
  32. Mori H, Aoki S, Okubo T, Hayashi N, Masumoto T, Yoshikawa T, Tago M, Shin M, Kurita H, Abe O, Ohtomo K.
    Two-dimensional thick-slice magnetic resonance digital subtraction angiography in the assessment of intracranial small- to medium-sized arteriovenous malformations.
    Neuroradiology 45: 27-33, 2003
  33. Nakagawa K, Aoki Y, Tago M, Ohtomo K.
    Dynamic conical conformal radiotherapy using a C-arm-mounted accelerator: dose distribution and clinical application.
    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 56: 287-95, 2003
  34. Nakagawa K, Tago M, Shibata K, Nakamura N, Yamashita H, Shiraishi K, Terahara A, Kato D, Kato S, Hosoi Y, Shin M, Ohtomo K.
    Intercomparison of dose distribution between Gamma Knife and C-arm-mounted Linac.
    Radiat Med 21: 178-82, 2003
  35. Nishino M, Hayakawa K, Minami M, Yamamoto A, Ueda H, Takasu K.
    Primary retroperitoneal neoplasmas: CT and MR imaging findings with anatomic and pathologic diagnostic clues.
    Radiographics 23: 45-57, 2003
  36. Okada Y, Ohtomo K.
    Abdominal computed tomography manifestation of multiple-organ-system disorders.
    Radiologist 10: 309-21, 2003
  37. Saito K, Saito M, Komatu S, Ohtomo K.
    Real-time four-dimensional imaging of the heart with multi-detector row CT.
    Radiographics 23: e8, 2003
  38. Shimada M, Yoshikawa K, Suganuma T, Kayanuma H, Inoue Y, Ito K, Senoo A, Hayashi S.
    Interstitial magnetic resonance lymphography: comparative animal study of gadofluorine 8 and gadolinium diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid.
    J Comput Assist Tomogr 27: 641-6, 2003
  39. Takao H, Nakagawa K, Ohtomo K.
    Central neurocytoma with craniospinal dissemination.
    J Neurooncol 61: 255-9, 2003
  40. Takizawa S, Nakagawa S, Nakagawa K, Yasugi T, Fujii T, Kugu K, Yano T, Yoshikawa H, Taketani Y.
    Abnormal Fhit expression is an independent poor prognostic factor for cervical cancer.
    Br J Cancer 88: 1213-6, 2003
  41. Yamasue H, Kasai K, Iwanami A, Ohtani T, Yamada H, Abe O, Kuroki N, Fukuda R, Tochigi M, Furukawa S, Sadamatsu M, Sasaki T, Aoki S, Ohtomo K, Asukai N, Kato N.
    Voxel-based analysis of MRI reveals anterior cingulate gray-matter volume reduction in posttraumatic stress disorder due to terrorism.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100: 9039-43, 2003
  42. Yao Y, Okada Y, Yamato M, Ohtomo K.
    Communicating vein between the left renal vein and left ascending lumber vein: incidence and significance on abdominal CT.
    Radiat Med 21: 252-7, 2003
  43. Yokoyama I, Inoue Y, Moritan T, Ohtomo K, Nagai R.
    Simple quantification of skeletal muscle glucose utilization by static 18F-FDG PET.
    J Nucl Med 44: 1592-8, 2003
  44. Yoshikawa K, Inoue Y, Akahane M, Shimada M, Itoh S, Seno A, Hayashi S.
    Phantom and animal studies of a new hepatobiliary agent for MR imaging: comparison of Gd-DTPA-DeA with Gd-EOB-DTPA.
    J Magn Reson Imaging 18: 204-9, 2003

英文原著 2004年

  1. Abe O, Masutani Y, Aoki S, Yamasue H, Yamada H, Kasai K, Mori H, Hayashi N, Masumoto T, Ohtomo K.
    Topography of the human corpus callosum using diffusion tensor tractography.
    J Comput Assist Tomogr 28: 533-9, 2004
  2. Abe O, Mori H, Aoki S, Kunimatsu A, Hayashi N, Masumoto T, Yamada H, Masutani Y, Kabasawa H, Ohtomo K.
    Periodically rotated overlapping parallel lines with enhanced reconstruction-based diffusion tensor imaging: comparison with echo planar imaging-based diffusion tensor imaging.
    J Comput Assist Tomogr 28: 654-60, 2004
  3. Abe O, Yamada H, Masutani Y, Aoki S, Kunimatsu A, Yamasue H, Fukuda R, Kasai K, Hayashi N, Masumoto T, Mori H, Soma T, Ohtomo K.
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: diffusion tensor tractography and voxel-based analysis.
    NMR Biomed 17: 411-6, 2004
  4. Furuya K, Kawahara N, Morita A, Momose T, Aoki S, Kirino T.
    Focal hyperperfusion after superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery anastomosis in a patient with moyamoya disease.
    J Neurosurg 100: 128-32, 2004
  5. Hasegawa K, Imamura H, Akahane M, Miura Y, Kiryu S, Ohtomo K, Makuuchi M.
    Administration of iodized oil resulted in impaired liver function due to enhanced portosystemic shunting.
    Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 27: 282-4, 2004
  6. Hayashi N, Watanabe Y, Masumoto T, Mori H, Ohtomo K, Okitsu O, Takahashi T.
    Utilization of low-field MR scanners.
    Magnetic Resonance in Medical Science 3: 27-38, 2004
  7. Hiroi Y, Fujiu K, Komatsu S, Sonoda M, Sakomura Y, Imai Y, Oishi Y, Nakamura F, Ajiki K, Hayami N, Murakawa Y, Ohno M, Hirata Y, Ohtomo K, Nagai R.
    Carvedilol therapy improved left ventricular function in a patient with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.
    Jpn Heart J 45: 169-77, 2004
  8. Hosoi Y, Watanabe T, Nakagawa K, Matsumoto Y, Enomoto A, Morita A, Nagawa H, Suzuki N.
    Up-regulation of DNA-dependent protein kinase activity and Sp1 in colorectal cancer.
    Int J Oncol 25: 461-8, 2004
  9. Igaki H, Tokuuye K, Okumura T, Sugahara S, Kagei K, Hata M, Ohara K, Hashimoto T, Tsuboi K, Takano S, Matsumura A, Akine Y.
    Clinical results of proton beam therapy for skull base chordoma.
    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 60: 1120-6, 2004
  10. Inoue T, Kawahara N, Shibahara J, Masumoto T, Usami K, Kirino T.
    Extradural neurenteric cyst of the cerebellopontine angle. Case report.
    J Neurosurg 100: 1091-3, 2004
  11. Inoue Y, Shirouzu I, Machida T, Yoshizawa Y, Akita F, Minami M, Ohtomo K.
    Collimator choice in cardiac SPECT with I-123-labeled tracers.
    J Nucl Cardiol 11: 433-9, 2004
  12. Inoue Y, Kurimoto S, Kameyama S, Ohta N, Akahane M, Yoshikawa K, Yokoyama I, Minami M, Ohtomo K, Kitamura T.
    Prolonged renal parenchymal retention of 99mTc-MAG3 after nephron-sparing surgery.
    Nucl Med Commun 25: 509-13, 2004
  13. Ito K, Momose T, Oku S, Ishimoto S, Yamasoba T, Sugasawa M, Kaga K.
    Cortical activation shortly after cochlear implantation.
    Audiol Neurootol 9: 282-93, 2004
  14. Iwase S, Murakami T, Saito Y, Nakagawa K.
    Steep elevation of blood interleukin-6 (IL-6) associated only with late stages of cachexia in cancer patients.
    Eur Cytokine Netw 15: 312-6, 2004
  15. Kaga K, Nakamura M, Takayama Y, Momose T.
    A case of cortical deafness and anarthria.
    Acta Otolaryngol 124: 201-5, 2004
  16. Karino S, Hayashi N, Aoki S, Ohtomo K, Yamasoba T.
    New method of using reconstructed images for assessment of patency of intracochlear spaces for cochlear implant candidates.
    Laryngoscope 114: 1253-8, 2004
  17. Kashiwagi K, Okubo T, Tsukahara S.
    Association of magnetic resonance imaging of anterior optic pathway with glaucomatous visual field damage and optic disc cupping.
    J Glaucoma 13: 189-95, 2004
  18. Koike A, Hashimoto M, Nagayama O, Tajima A, Kubozono T, Oikawa K, Uejima T, Momose T, Aizawa T, Fu LT, Ito H.
    Cerebral oxygenation during exercise and exercise recovery in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.
    Am J Cardiol 94: 821-4, 2004
  19. Komiyama S, Taniguchi S, Matsumoto Y, Tsunoda E, Ohto T, Suzuki Y, Yin HL, Tomita M, Enomoto A, Morita A, Suzuki T, Ohtomo K, Hosoi Y, Suzuki N.
    Potentiality of DNA-dependent protein kinase to phosphorylate Ser46 of human p53.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 323: 816-22, 2004
  20. Kunimatsu A, Aoki S, Masutani Y, Abe O, Hayashi N, Mori H, Masumoto T, Ohtomo K.
    The optimal trackability threshold of fractional anisotropy for diffusion tensor tractography of the corticospinal tract.
    Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences 3: 11-7, 2004
  21. Kunimatsu N, Kunimatsu A, Kojima K, Hirabayasi Y, Ohtomo K.
    A case of renal angioleiomyoma with rapid growing: CT findings with histopathological correlation.
    Radiat Med 22: 437-41, 2004
  22. Mori H, Aoki S, Abe O, Hayashi N, Masutani Y, Ohtomo K, Oya S, Morita A.
    Diffusion property following functional hemispherectomy in hemimegalencephaly.
    Acta radiol 45: 778-81, 2004
  23. Mori H, Aoki S, Abe O, Hayashi N, Masumoto T, Yoshikawa T, Ohtomo K, Hirakawa N, Ugawa Y.
    Non-homogeneous increased intensity of the cortex on PROPELLER DW MRI in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
    Rivista di Neuroradiologia 17: 13-6, 2004
  24. Mori H, Masutani Y, Abe O, Aoki S, Hayashi N, Masumoto T, Yoshikawa K, Yamada H, Ohtomo K.
    Visualization of central nervous system nerve communications using diffusion tensor imaging.
    Rivista di Neuroradiologia 17: 135-44, 2004
  25. Mori H, Aoki S, Ohtomo K.
    Mortion artifact mimicking the pulvinar sing.
    Rivista di Neuroradiologia 17: 659-60, 2004
  26. Nakagawa S, Yano T, Nakagawa K, Tanizawa S, Suzuki Y, Yasugi T, Huibregtse J, Taketani Y.
    Analysis of the expression and localization of a LAP protein, human scribble, in the normal and neoplatic epithelium of uterine cervix.
    Br J Cancer 90: 194-9, 2004
  27. Omura K, Tsukamoto T, Kotani Y, Ohgami Y, Minami M, Inoue Y.
    Different mechanisms involved in interhemispheric transfer of visuomotor information.
    Neuroreport 15: 2707-11, 2004
  28. Sato S, Shiratori Y, Imamura M, Obi S, Shiina S, Akahane M, Ohtomo K, Omata M.
    Re-appearance of power doppler signals in the tumor nodules of hepatocellular carcinoma after transarterial embolization reflects residual viable tumor cells: histological confirmation.
    Hepatogastroenterology 51: 56-61, 2004
  29. Shibahara J, Todo T, Morita A, Mori H, Aoki S, Fukayama M.
    Papillary neuroepithelial tumor of the pineal region. A case report.
    Acta Neuropathol 108: 337-40, 2004
  30. Shin M, Maruyama K, Kurita H, Kawamoto S, Tago M, Terahara A, Morita A, Ueki K, Takakura K, Kirino T.
    Analysis of nidus obliteration rates after gamma knife surgery for arteriovenous malformations based on long-term follow-up data: the University of Tokyo experience.
    J Neurosurg 101: 18-24, 2004
  31. Shinohara K, Nakano H, Miyazaki N, Tago M, Kodama R.
    Effects of single-pulse(< 1 ps) X-rays from laser-produced plasmas on mammalian cells.
    J Radiat Res 45: 509-14, 2004
  32. Suzuki J, Tomidokoro A, Araie M, Tomita G, Yamagami J, Okubo T, Masumoto T.
    Visual field damage in normal-tension glaucoma patients with or without ischemic changes in cerebral magnetic resonance imaging.
    Jpn J Ophthalmol 48: 340-4, 2004
  33. Takao H, Momose T, Ohtomo K.
    Methionine and glucose metabolism of central neurocytomq: a PET study.
    Clin Nucl Med 29: 838-9, 2004
  34. Tani K, Azuma M, Nakazaki Y, Oyaizu N, Hase H, Ohata J, Takahashi K, OiwaMonna M, Hanazawa K, Wakumoto Y, Kawai K, Noguchi M, Soda Y, Kunisaki R, Watari K, Takahashi S, Machida U, Satoh N, Tojo A, Maekawa T, Eriguchi M, Tomikawa S, Tahara H, Inoue Y, Yoshikawa H, Yamada Y, Iwamoto A, Hamada H, Yamashita N, Okumura K, Kakizoe T, Akaza H, Fujime M, Clift S, Ando D, Mulligan R, Asano S.
    Phase I study of autologous tumor vaccines transduced with the GM-CSF gene in four patients with stage IV renal cell cancer in Japan: clinical and immunological findings.
    Mol Ther 10: 799-816, 2004
  35. Yamamoto K, Komiyama T, Miyata T, Kitagawa T, Momose T, Shigemtsu H, Nagawa H.
    Contralateral stenosis as a risk factor for carotid endoarterectomy measured by near infrared spectroscopy.
    Int Angiol 23: 388-93, 2004
  36. Yamasue H, Yamada H, Yumoto M, Kamio S, Kudo N, Uetsuki M, Abe O, Fukuda R, Aoki S, Ohtomo K, Iwanami A, Kato N, Kasai K.
    Abnormal association between reduced magnetic mismatch field to speech sounds and smaller left planum temporale volume in schizophrenia.
    Neuroimage 22: 720-7, 2004
  37. Yamasue H, Iwanami A, Hirayasu Y, Yamada H, Abe O, Kuroki N, Fukuda R, Tsujii K, Aoki S, Ohtomo K, Kato N, Kasai K.
    Localized volume reduction in prefrontal, temporolimbic, and paralimbic regions in schizophrenia: an MRI parcellation study.
    Psychiatry Res: Neuroimaging 131: 195-207, 2004
  38. Yanagie H, Ogura K, Takagi K, Maruyama K, Matsumoto T, Sakurai Y, Skvarc J, Illic R, Kuhne G, Hisa T, Yoshizaki I, Kono K, Furuya Y, Sugiyama H, Kobayashi, H, Ono K, Nakagawa K, Eriguchi M.
    Accumulation of boron compounds to tumor with polyethylene-glycol binding liposome by using neutron capture autoradiography.
    Appl Radiat Isot 61: 639-46, 2004
  39. Yin HL, Suzuki Y, Matsumoto Y, Tomita M, Furusawa Y, Enomoto A, Morita A, Aoki M, Yatagai F, Suzuki T, Hosoi Y, Ohtomo K, Suzuki N.
    Radiosensitization by hyperthermia in the chicken B-lymphocyte cell line DT40 and its derivatives lacking nonhomologous end joining and/or homologous recombination pathways of DNA double-strand break repair.
    Radiat Res 162: 433-41, 2004
  40. Yokoyama I, Inoue Y, Moritan T, Ohtomo K, Nagai R.
    Impaired myocardial vasodilatation during hyperaemic stress is improved by simvastatin but not by pravastatin in patients with hypercholesterolaemia.
    Eur Heart J 25: 671-9, 2004
  41. Yoshikawa K, Inoue Y, Shimada M, Akahane M, Itoh S, Seno A, Hayashi S.
    Contrast-enhanced MR angiography in rats with hepatobiliary contrast agents.
    Magn Reson Imaging 22: 937-42, 2004

英文原著 2005年

  1. Akahane M, Koga H, Kato N, Yamada H, Uozumi K, Tateishi R, Teratani T, Shiina S, Ohtomo K.
    Complications of percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for hepato-cellular carcinoma: imaging spectrum and management.
    Radiographics 25(supplement1): 57-68, 2005
  2. Akai H, Mori H, Aoki S, Masutani Y, Kawahara N, Shibahara J, Ohtomo K.
    Diffusion tensor tractography of gliomatosis cerebri: fiber tracking through the tumor.
    J Comput Assist Tomogr 29: 127-9, 2005
  3. Araki T, Kasai K, Yamasue H, Kato N, Kudo N, Ohtani T, Nakagome K, Kirihara K, Yamada H, Abe O, Iwanami A.
    Association between lower P300 amplitude and smaller anterior cingulate cortex volume in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder: a study of victims of Tokyo subway sarin attack.
    Neuroimage 25: 43-50, 2005
  4. Aoki S, Iwata N K, Masutani Y, Yoshida M, Abe O, Ugawa Y, Masumoto T, Mori H, Hayashi N, Kabasawa H, Kwak S, Takahashi S, Tsuji S, Ohtomo K.
    Quantitative evaluation of the pyramidal tract segmented by diffusion tensor tractography: feasibility study in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
    Radiat Med 23: 195-9, 2005
  5. Chemaly ER, Yoneyama R, Frangioni JV, Hajjar RJ.
    Related Articles, Tracking stem cells in the cardiovascular system.
    Trends Cardiovasc Med 15: 297-302, 2005
  6. Chiba T, Tokuuye K, Matsuzaki Y, Sugahara S, Chuganji Y, Kagei K, Shoda J, Hata M, Abei M, Igaki H, Tanaka N, Akine Y.
    Proton beam therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma: a retrospective review of 162 patients.
    Clin Cancer Res 11: 3799-805, 2005
  7. Furuya K, Zhu L, Kawahara N, Abe O, Kirino T.
    Differences in infarct evolution between lipopolysaccharide-induced tolerant and nontolerant conditions to focal cerebral ischemia.
    J Neurosurg 103: 715-23, 2005
  8. Hanajiri K, Mitsui H, Maruyama T, Kondo Y, Shiina S, Omata M, Nakagawa K.
    18F-FDG PET for hepatocellular carcinoma presenting with portal vein tumor thrombus.
    J Gastroenterol 40: 1005-6, 2005
  9. Hata M, Tokuuye K, Sugahara S, Kagei K, Igaki H, Hashimoto T, Ohara K, Matsuzaki Y, Tanaka N, Akine Y.
    Proton beam therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombus.
    Cancer 104: 794-801, 2005
  10. Hayase M, Del Monte F, Kawase Y, Macneill BD, McGregor J, Yoneyama R, Hoshino K, Tsuji T, De Grand AM, Gwathmey JK, Frangioni JV, Hajjar RJ.
    Related Articles, Catheter-based antegrade intracoronary viral gene delivery with coronary venous blockade.
    Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 288: 2995-3000, 2005
  11. Hayase M, Kawase Y, Yoneyama R, Hoshino K, McGregor J, MacNeill BD, Lowe HC, Burkhoff D, Boekstegers P, Hajjar RJ.
    Related Articles, Catheter-based ventricle-coronary vein bypass.
    Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 65: 394-404, 2005
  12. Hosaka A, Miyata T, Momose T, Nakazawa T, Shigematsu H, Nagawa H.
    Evaluation of cerebral hypoperfusion by nuclear medicine imaging in a patient with Takayasu's arteritis.
    Ann Vasc Surg 19: 917-20, 2005
  13. Igaki H, Karasawa K, Sakamaki H, Saito H, Nakagawa K, Ohtomo K, Tanaka Y.
    Renal dysfunction after total-body irradiation significance of selective renal shielding blocks.
    Strahlenther Onkol 181: 704-8, 2005
  14. Inoue Y, Nomura Y, Nakaoka T, Watanabe M, Kiryu S, Okubo T, Ohtomo K.
    Effect of temporal resolution on the estimation of left ventricular function by cardiac MR imaging.
    Magn Reson Imaging 23: 641-5, 2005
  15. Kamada K, Todo T, Masutani Y, Aoki S, Ino K, Takano T, Kirino T, Kawahara N, Morita A.
    Combined use of tractography-integrated functional neuronavigation and direct fiber stimulation.
    J Neurosurg 102: 664-72, 2005
  16. Kamada K, Sawamura Y, Takeuchi F, Kawaguchi H, Kuriki S, Todo T, Morita A, Masutani Y, Aoki S, Kirino T.
    Functional identification of the primary motor area by corticospinal tractography.
    Neurosurgery 56(1supplement-Operative Neurosurgery): 98-109, 2005
  17. Kanda Y, Komatsu Y, Akahane M, Kojima S, Asano-Mori Y, Tada M, Oshima K, Isayama H, Ogawa S, Motokura T, Chiba S, Ohtomo K, Omata M, Hirai H.
    Graft-versus-tumor effect against advanced pancreatic cancer after allogeneic reduced-intensity stem cell transplantation.
    Transplantation 79: 821-7, 2005
  18. Kanemura H, Aihara M, Okubo T, Nakazawa S.
    Sequential 3-D MRI frontal volume changes in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.
    Brain Dev 27: 148-51, 2005
  19. Kasai K, Hashimoto O, Kawakubo Y, Yumoto M, Kamio S, Itoh K, Koshida I, Iwanami A, Nakagome K, Fukuda M, Yamasue H, Yamada H, Abe O, Aoki S, Kato N.
    Delayed automatic detection of change in speech sounds in adults with autism: a magnetoencephalographic study.
    Clin Neurophysiol 116: 1655-64, 2005
  20. Kawase Y, Hoshino K, Yoneyama R, McGregor J, Hajjar RJ, Jang IK, Hayase M.
    Related Articles, In vivo volumetric analysis of coronary stent using optical coherence tomography with a novel balloon occlusion-flushing catheter: a comparison with intravascular ultrasound.
    Ultrasound Med Biol 31: 1343-9, 2005
  21. Kazama Y, Watanabe T, Akahane M, Yoshioka N, Ohtomo K, Nagawa H.
    Crohn's disease with life-threatening hemorrhage from terminal ileum: successful control by superselective arterial embolization.
    J Gastroenterol 40: 1155-7, 2005
  22. Koga K, Osuga Y, Harada M, Hirota Y, Yamada H, Akahane M, Kugu K, Taketani Y.
    Sciatic endometriosis diagnosed by computerized tomography-guided biopsy and CD10 immunohistochemical staining.
    Fertil Steril 84: 1508.e9-e12, 2005
  23. Komuro Y, Watanabe T, Hosoi Y, Matsumoto Y, Nakagawa K, Suzuki N, Nagawa H.
    Prognostic significance of Ku70 protein expression in patients with advanced colorectal cancer.
    Hepatogastroenterology 52: 995-8, 2005
  24. Kondo S, Isayama H, Akahane M, Toda N, Sasahira N, Nakai Y, Yamamoto N, Hirano K, Komatsu Y, Tada M, Yoshida H, Kawabe T, Ohtomo K, Omata M.
    Detection of common bile duct stones: comparison between endoscopic ultrasonography, magnetic resonance cholangiography, and helical-computed-tomographic cholangiography.
    Eur J Radiol 54: 271-5, 2005
  25. Maeda E, Akahane M, Inoue Y, Watadani T, Jo D, Kato J, Minami M, Ohtomo K.
    An unusual enhancing pelvic lesion.
    Eur Radiol 15: 2041-2, 2005
  26. Maeda E, Akahane M, Inoue Y, Watadani T, Jo D, Kato J, Minami M, Ohtomo K.
    Delayed enhancement of pelvic lymphangiomyoma associated with lymphangioleiomyomatosis on MR imaging (2005: 9b).
    Eur Radiol 15: 2528-31, 2005
  27. Maruyama K, Kamada K, Shin M, Itoh D, Aoki S, Masutani Y, Tago M, Kirino T.
    Integration of three-dimensional corticospinal tractography into the treatment planning in gamma knife radiosurgery. Technical note.
    J Neurosurg 102: 673-7, 2005
  28. Maruyama K, Shin M, Tago M, Kurita H, Kawamoto S, Morita A, Kirino T.
    Gamma knife surgery for arteriovenous malformations involving the corpus callosum.
    J Neurosurg 102(supplement): 49-52, 2005
  29. Maruyama K, Kawahara N, Shin M, Tago M, Kishimoto J, Kurita H, Kawamoto S, Morita A, Kirino T.
    The risk of hemorrhage after radiosurgery for cerebral arteriovenous malformations.
    N Engl J Med 352: 146-53, 2005
  30. Masutani Y, Aoki S, Abe O, and Ohtomo K.
    Building statistical atlas of white matter fiber tract based on vector/tensor field reconstruction in diffusion tensor MRI.
    Lect Notes Comput Sci 3804: 84-91, 2005
  31. Mayahara H, Oda Y, Kawaguchi A, Kagawa K, Murakami M, Hishikawa Y, Igaki H, Tokuuye K, Abe M.
    A case of hepatocellular carcinoma initially treated by carbon ions, followed by protons for marginal recurrence with portal thrombus.
    Radiat Med 23: 513-9, 2005
  32. Mori H, Fijishiro T, Hayashi N, Masutani Y, Aoki S, Ohtomo K, Aihara M, Wakakura M.
    Partially uncrossed pyramidal tracts shown by tractography in horizontal gaze palsy and scoliosis.
    AJR Am J Roentgenol 184(3supplement): 4-6, 2005
  33. Mori H, Aoki S, Ohtomo K.
    Morning glory sign is not prevalent in progressive supranuclear palsy.
    Magnetic Resonance in Medical Science 3: 215-7, 2005
  34. Nakagawa K, Fukuhara N, Kawakami H.
    A packed building-block compensator (TETRIS-RT) and feasibility for IMRT delivery.
    Med Phys 32: 2231-5, 2005
  35. Nakagawa K, Koyanagi H, Shiraki T, Saegusa S, Sasaki K, Oritate T, Mima K, Miyazawa M, Ishidoya T, Ohtomo K, Yoda K.
    A radiophotoluminescent glass plate system for medium-sized field dosimetry.
    Rev Sci Instrum 76: 106104-7, 2005
  36. Nakagawa K, Yamashita H, Shiraishi K, Nakamura N, Tago M, Igaki H, Hosoi Y, Shiina S, Omata M, Makuuchi M, Ohtomo K.
    Radiation therapy for portal venous invasion by hepatocellular carcinoma.
    World J Gastroenterol 11: 7237-41, 2005
  37. Ohara K, Tanaka YO, Tsunoda H, Oki A, Satoh T, Onishi K, Kagei K, Sugahara S, Hata M, Igaki H, Tokuuye K, Akine Y, Yoshikawa H.
    Preliminary estimation of treatment effect on uterine cervical squamous cell carcinoma in terms of tumor regression rate: comparison between chemoradiotherapy and radiotherapy alone.
    Radiat Med 23: 25-9, 2005
  38. Oya S, Kawahara N, Aoki S, Hayashi N, Shibahara J, Izumi M, Kirino T.
    Intracranial extracerebral glioneuronal heterotopia.
    J Neurosurg: Pediatrics 102(1supplement): 105-12, 2005
  39. Sakai M, Inoue Y, Oba H, Ishiguro A, Sekiguchi K, Tsukune Y, Mitomo M, Nakamura H.
    Age-dependence of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging findings in maple syrup urine disease encephalopathy.
    J Comput Assist Tomogr 29: 524-7, 2005
  40. Sekino M, Inoue Y, Ueno S.
    Magnetic resonance imaging of electrical conductivity in the human brain.
    IEEE Trans Magn 41: 4203-5, 2005
  41. Shin M, Kawahara N, Maruyama K, Tago M, Ueki K, Kirino T.
    Risk of hemorrhage from an arteriovenous malformation confirmed to have been obliterated on angiography after stereotactic radiosurgery.
    J Neurosurg 102: 842-6, 2005
  42. Sugahara S, Tokuuye K, Okumura T, Nakahara A, Saida Y, Kagei K, Ohara K, Hata M, Igaki H, Akine Y.
    Clinical results of proton beam therapy for cancer of the esophagus.
    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 61: 76-84, 2005
  43. Tago M, Terahara A, Shin M, Maruyama K, Kurita H, Nakagawa K, Ohtomo K.
    Gamma knife surgery for hemangioblastomas.
    J Neurosurg 102(supplement): 171-4, 2005
  44. Takahashi M, Momose T, Kameyama M, Mizuno S, Kumakura Y, Ohtomo K.
    Detection of cerebrospinal fluid leakage in intracranial hypotension with radionuclide cisternography and blood activity monitoring.
    Ann Nucl Med 19: 339-43, 2005
  45. Tanaka M, Ino Y, Nakagawa K, Tago M, Todo T.
    High-dose conformal radiotherapy for supratentorial malignant glioma: a historical comparison.
    Lancet Oncol 6: 953-60, 2005
  46. Toda N, Akahane M, Kiryu S, Matsubara Y, Yamaji Y, Okamoto M, Minagawa N, Ohgi K, Komatsu Y, Yahagi N, Yoshida H, Kawabe T, Ohtomo K, Omata M.
    Pancreas duct abnormalities in patients with ulcerative colitis: a magnetic resonance pancreatography study.
    Inflamm Bowel Dis 11: 903-8, 2005
  47. Uozaki H, Fukayama M, Nakagawa K, Ishikawa T, Misawa S, Doi M, Maekawa K.
    The pathology of multi-organ involvement: two autopsy cases from the Tokai-mura criticality accident.
    Br J Radiol 78(supplement27): 13-6, 2005
  48. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Tago M, Igaki H, Nakamura N, Shiraishi K, Sasano N, Ohtomo K.
    The experience of concurrent chemoradiation for Japanese patients with superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a retrospective study.
    Am J Clin Oncol 28: 555-9, 2005
  49. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Tago M, Shiraishi K, Nakamura N, Ohtomo K.
    Treatment results and prognostic analysis of radical radiotherapy for locally advanced cancer of the uterine cervix.
    Br J Radiol 78: 821-6, 2005
  50. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Tago M, Nakamura N, Shiraishi K, Ohtomo K.
    Salvage radiotherapy for postoperative loco-regional recurrence of esophageal cancer.
    Dis Esophagus 18: 215-20, 2005
  51. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Tago M, Shiraishi K, Nakamura N, Ohtomo K, Oda K, Nakagawa S, Yasugi T, Taketani Y.
    Comparison between conventional surgery and radiotherapy for FIGO stage I-II cervical carcinoma: a retrospective Japanese study.
    Gynecol Oncol 97: 834-9, 2005
  52. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Tago M, Nakamura N, Shiraishi K, Yamauchi N, Ohtomo K.
    Pathological changes after radiotherapy for primary pituitary carcinoma: a case report.
    J Neurooncol 75: 209-14, 2005
  53. Yamasue H, Ishijima M, Abe O, Sasaki T, Yamada H, Suga M, Rogers M, Minowa I, Someya R, Kurita H, Aoki S, Kato N, Kasai K.
    Neuroanatomy in monozygotic twins with Asperger disorder discordant for comorbid depression.
    Neurology 65: 491-2, 2005
  54. Yokoyama I, Inoue Y, Moritan T, Ohtomo K, Nagai R.
    Measurement of skeletal muscle glucose utilization by dynamic 18F-FDG PET without arterial blood sampling.
    Nucl Med Commun 26: 31-7, 2005

英文原著 2006年

  1. Abe O, Yamasue H, Kasai K, Yamada H, Aoki S, Iwanami A, Ohtani T, Masutani Y, Kato N, Ohtomo K.
    Voxel-based diffusion tensor analysis reveals aberrant anterior cingulum integrity in posttraumatic stress disorder due to terrorism.
    Psychiatry Res 146: 231-42, 2006
  2. Aoyama H, Shirato H, Tago M, Nakagawa K, Toyoda T, Hatano K, Kenjyo M, Oya N, Hirota S, Shioura H, Kunieda E, Inomata T, Hayakawa K, Katoh N, Kobashi G.
    Stereotactic radiosurgery plus whole-brain radiation therapy vs stereotactic radiosurgery alone for treatment of brain metastases: a randomized controlled trial.
    JAMA 295: 2535-6, 2006
  3. Hama Y, Makita K, Yamana T, Dodanuki K.
    Mucinous adenocarcinoma arising from fistula in ano: MRI findings.
    AJR Am J Roentgenol 187: 517-21, 2006
  4. Hashimoto T, Tokuuye K, Fukumitsu N, Igaki H, Hata M, Kagei K, Sugahara S, Ohara K, Matsuzaki Y, Akine Y.
    Repeated proton beam therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 65: 196-202, 2006
  5. Hata M, Miyanaga N, Tokuuye K, Saida Y, Ohara K, Sugahara S, Kagei K, Igaki H, Hashimoto T, Hattori K, Shimazui T, Akaza H, Akine Y.
    Proton beam therapy for invasive bladder cancer: a prospective study of bladder-preserving therapy with combined radiotherapy and intra-arterial chemotherapy.
    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 64: 1371-9, 2006
  6. Hideyama T, Momose T, Shimizu J, Tsuji S, Kwak S.
    A positron emission tomography study on the role of nigral lesions in parkinsonism in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
    Arch Neurol 63: 1719-22, 2006
  7. Hori M, Okubo T, Aoki S, Kumagai H, Araki T.
    Line scan diffusion tensor MRI at low magnetic field strength: feasibility study of cervical spondylotic myelopathy in an early clinical stage.
    J Magn Reson Imaging 23: 183-8, 2006
  8. Igaki H, Tokuuye K, Takeda T, Sugahara S, Hata M, Hashimoto T, Fukumitsu N, Wu J, Ohnishi K, Ohara K, Akine Y.
    Sequential evaluation of hepatic functional reserve by 99mTechnetium-galactosyl human serum albumin scinitigraphy after proton beam therapy: a report of three
    cases and a review of the literatures.
    Acta Oncol 45: 1102-7, 2006
  9. Inoue Y, Tojo A, Sekine R, Soda Y, Kobayashi S, Nomura A, Izawa K, Kitamura T, Okubo T, Ohtomo K.
    In vitro validation of bioluminescent monitoring of disease progression and therapeutic response in leukaemia model animals.
    Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 33: 557-65, 2006
  10. Inoue Y, Nomura Y, Haishi T, Yoshikawa K, Seki T, Tsukiyama-Kohara K, Kai C, Okubo T, Ohtomo K.
    Imaging living mice using a 1-T compact magnetic resonance imaging system.
    J Magn Reson Imaging 24: 901-7, 2006
  11. Inoue Y, Izawa K, Tojo A, Sekine R, Okubo T, Ohtomo K.
    Light emission requires exposure to the atmosphere in ex vivo bioluminescence imaging.
    Mol Imaging 5: 53-6, 2006
  12. Ishikawa M, Kitayama J, Kaisaki S, Okamoto H, Miyata T, Akahane M, Nagawa H.
    Image of the month: left gastric aneurysm.
    Gastroenterology 130: 7, 288, 2006
  13. Ishizawa T, Sugawara Y, Hasegawa K, Ikeda M, Akahane M, Ohtomo K, Makuuchi M.
    Splenic artery aneurysm after liver transplantation.
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol 21: 1213, 2006
  14. Itoh D, Aoki S, Maruyama K, Masutani Y, Mori H, Masumoto T, Abe O, Hayashi N, Okubo T, Ohtomo K.
    Related articles, links corticospinal tracts by diffusion tensor tractography in patients with arteriovenous malformations.
    J Comput Assist Tomogr 30: 618-23, 2006
  15. Kiryu S, Okubo T, Takeuchi K, Inoue Y, Endo T, Odawara T, Nakamura T, Aoki S, Ohtomo K.
    Magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor analysis of lymphomatoid granulomatosis of the brain.
    Acta radiol 47: 509-13, 2006
  16. Kiryu S, Watanabe M, Kabasawa H, Akahane M, Aoki S, Ohtomo K.
    Evaluation of super paramagnetic iron oxide-enhanced diffusion-weighted PROPELLER T2-fast spin echo magnetic resonance imaging: Preliminary experience.
    J Comput Assist Tomogr 30: 197-200, 2006
  17. Kiryu S, Loring SH, Mori Y, Rofsky NM, Hatabu H, Takahashi M.
    Quantitative analysis of the velocity and synchronicity of diaphragmatic motion: dynamic MRI in different postures.
    Magn Reson Imaging 24:1325-32, 2006
  18. Kudo N, Kasai K, Itoh K, Koshida I, Yumoto M, Kato M, Kamio S, Araki T, Nakagome K, Fukuda M, Yamasue H, Yamada H, Abe O, Kato N, Iwanami A.
    Comparison between mismatch negativity amplitude and magnetic mismatch field strength in normal adults.
    Biol Psychol 71: 54-62, 2006
  19. Li Z, Hosoi Y, Cai K, Tanno Y, Matsumoto Y, Enomoto A, Morita A, Nakagawa K, Miyagawa K.
    Src tyrosine kinase inhibitor PP2 suppresses ERK1/2 activation and epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation by X-irradiation.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun 341: 363-8, 2006
  20. Maeda E, Akahane M, Kato N, Hayashi N, Koga H, Yamada H, Kato H, Ohtomo K.
    Assessment of major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (MAPCAs) with multidetector-row computed tomography.
    Radiat Med 24: 378-83, 2006
  21. Maeda E, Uozumi K, Kato N, Akahane M, Inoh S, Inoue Y, Beck Y, Goto A, Makuuchi M, Ohtomo K.
    MR findings of eile duct adenoma with calcification.
    Radiat Med 24: 459-62, 2006
  22. Maeda T, Fujii T, Matsumura T, Endo T, Odawara T, Itoh D, Inoue Y, Okubo T, Iwamoto A, Nakamura T.
    AIDS-related cerebral toxoplasmosis with hyperintense focion T1-weighted MR images: a case report.
    J Infect 53: 167-170, 2006
  23. Maruyama K, Shin M, Tago M, Kurita H, Kawahara N, Morita A, Saito N.
    Management and outcome of hemorrhage after gamma knife surgery for arteriovenous malformations of the brain.
    J Neurosurg 105(supplement): 52-7, 2006
  24. Masutani Y, Uozumi K, Akahane M, Ohtomo K.
    Liver CT image processing: a short introduction of the technical elements.
    Eur J Radiol 58: 246-51, 2006
  25. Matsumoto Y, Nakagawa S, Yano T, Takizawa S, Nagasaka K, Nakagawa K, Minaguchi T, Wada O, Ooishi H, Matsumoto K, Yasugi T, Kanda T, Huibregtse JM, Taketani Y.
    Involvement of a cellular ubiquitin-protein ligase E6AP in the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of extensive substrates of high-risk human papillomavirus E6.
    J Med Virol 78: 501-7, 2006
  26. Mitsui J, Saito Y, Momose T, Shimizu J, Arai N, Shibahara J, Ugawa Y, Kanazawa I, Tsuji S, Murayama S.
    Pathology of the sympathetic nervous system corresponding to the decreased cardiac uptake in 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scintigraphy in a patient with Parkinson disease.
    J Neurol Sci 243: 101-4, 2006
  27. Morita A, Zhu J, Suzuki N, Enomoto A, Matsumoto Y, Tomita M, Suzuki T, Ohtomo K, Hosoi Y.
    Sodium orthovanadate suppresses DNA damage-induced caspase activation and apotosis by inactivating p53.
    Cell Death Differ 13: 499-511, 2006
  28. Nagasaka K, Nakagawa S, Yano T, Takizawa S, Matsumoto Y, Tsuruga T, Nakagawa K, Minaguchi T, Oda K, Hiraike-Wada O, Ooishi H, Yasugi T, Taketani Y.
    Human homolog of Drosophila tumor suppressor Scribble negatively regulates cell-cycle progression from G1 to S phase by localizing at the basolateral membrane in epithelial cells.
    Cancer Sci 97: 1217-25, 2006
  29. Nakagawa K, Kanda Y, Yamashita H, Hosoi Y, Oshima K, Ohtomo K, Ban N, Yamakawa S, Nakagawa S, Chiba S.
    Preservation of ovarian function by ovarian shielding when undergoing total body irradiation for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. a case report of two successful cases.
    Bone Marrow Transplant 37: 583-7, 2006
  30. Nakamura K, Shioyama Y, Kawashima M, Saito Y, Nakamura N, Nakata K, Hareyama M, Takada T, Karasawa K, Watanabe T, Yorozu A, Tachibana H, Suzuki G, Hayabuchi N, Toba T, Yamada S.
    Multi-institutional analysis of early squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx treated with radical radiotherapy.
    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 65: 1045-50, 2006
  31. Nakata Y, Yagishita A, Arai N.
    Two patients with intraspinal germinoma associated with Klinefelter syndrome: Case report and review of the literature.
    AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 27: 1204-10, 2006
  32. Nomura Y, Inoue Y, Yokoyama I, Nakaoka T, Itoh D, Okubo T, Ohtomo K.
    Evaluation of left ventricular function with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging using Fourier fitting.
    Magn Reson Imaging 24: 1333-9, 2006
  33. Ohgami Y, Kotani Y, Tsukamoto T, Omura K, Inoue Y, Aihara Y, Nakayama M.
    Effects of monetary reward and punishment on stimulus-preceding negativity.
    Psychophysiology 43: 227-36, 2006
  34. Ohtomo K.
    Liver MRI update.
    Eur J Radiol 58: 163-4, 2006
  35. Seki C, Momose T, Kojima Y, Ohtomo K, Yokoyama I.
    Proposal of blood volume-corrected model for quantification of regional cerebral blood flow with H2 15O-PET and its application to AVF.
    Radiat Med 24: 260-8, 2006
  36. Shiraishi K, Nakagawa K, Yamashita H, Nakamura N, Tago M, Ohtomo K.
    Treatment planning and dosimetry of a multi-axis dynamic arc technique for prostate cancer: a comparison with IMRT.
    Radiat Med 24: 17-22, 2006
  37. Szentirmai O, Baker C, Lin N, Szucs S, Takahashi M, Kiryu S, Kung A, Mulligan R, Carter B.
    Noninvasive bioluminescence imaging of luciferase expressing intracranial U87 xenografts: correlation with magnetic resonance imaging determined tumor volume and longitudinal use in assessing tumor growth and antiangiogenic treatment effect.
    Neurosurgery 58: 365-72, 2006
  38. Takahashi M, Momose T, Kameyama M, Ohtomo K.
    Abnormal accumulation of [18-F] Fluorodeoxyglucose in the aortic wall related to inflammatory chages: three case reports.
    Ann Nucl Med 20: 361-4, 2006
  39. Takizawa S, Nagasaka K, Nakagawa S, Yano T, Nakagawa K, Yasugi T, Takeuchi T, Kanda T, Huibregtse JM, Akiyama T, Taketani Y.
    Human scribble, a novel tumor suppressor identified as a target of high-risk HPV E6 for ubiquitin-mediated degradation, interacts with adenomatous polyposis coli.
    Genes Cells 11: 453-64, 2006
  40. Tonotsuka N, Hosoi Y, Miyazaki S, Miyata G, Sugawara K, Mori T, Ouchi N, Satomi S, Matsumoto Y, Nakagawa K, Miyagawa K, Ono T.
    Heterogeneous expression of DNA-dependent protein kinase in esophageal cancer and normal epithelium.
    Int J Mol Med 18: 441-7, 2006
  41. Tsukamoto T, Kotani Y, Ohgami Y, Omura K, Inoue Y, Aihara Y.
    Activation of insular cortex and subcortical regions related to feedback stimuli in a time estimation task: an fMRI study.
    Neurosci Lett 399: 39-44, 2006
  42. Uno K, Takenaka K, Asada K, Ebihara A, Sasaki K, Komuro T, Nagai R, Motomura N, Ono M, Takamoto S.
    Diagnosis of subacute cardiac rupture by contrast echocardiography.
    J Am Soc Echocardiogr 19: 1401.e9-e11, 2006
  43. Watanabe M, Aoki S, Masutani Y, Abe O, Hayashi N, Masumoto T, Mori H, Kabasawa H, Ohtomo K.
    Flexible ex vivo phantoms for validation of diffusion tensor tractography on a clinical scanner.
    Radiat Med 24: 605-9, 2006
  44. Yamamoto KK, Miyata T, Momose T, Nagayoshi M, Akagi D, Hosaka A, Miyahara T, Ishii S, Kimura H, Deguchi J, Shigematsu K, Shigematsu H, Nagawa H.
    Reduced vascular reserve measured by stressed single photon emission computed tomography carries a high risk for stroke in patients with carotid stenosis.
    Int Angiol 25: 385-8, 2006
  45. Yamashita H, Izutsu K, Nakamura N, Shiraishi K, Chiba S, Kurokawa M, Tago M, Igaki H, Ohtomo K, Nakagawa K.
    Treatment results of chemoradiation therapy for localized aggressive lymphomas: a retrospective 20-year study.
    Ann Hematol 85: 523-9, 2006
  46. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Tago M, Igaki H, Nakamura N, Shiraishi K, Sasano N, Ohtomo K.
    Radiation therapy combined with cis-diammine-glycolatoplatinum (nedaplatin) and 5-fluorouracil for Japanese stage II-IV esophageal cancer compared with cisplatin plus 5-fluorouracil regimen: a retrospective study.
    Dis Esophagus 19: 15-9, 2006
  47. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Tago M, Nakamura N, Shiraishi K, Eda M, Nakata H, Nagamatsu N, Yokoyama R, Onimura M, Ohtomo K.
    Taste dysfunction in patients receiving radiotherapy.
    Head Neck 28: 508-16, 2006
  48. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Tago M, Nakamura N, Shiraishi K, Mafune K, Kaminishi M, Ohtomo K.
    The intergroup/RTOG 85-01 concurrent chemoradiation regimen for Japanese esophageal cancer.
    Hepatogastroenterology 53: 863-8, 2006
  49. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Nakamura N, Abe K, Asakage T, Ohmoto M, Okada S, Matsumoto I, Hosoi Y, Sasano N, Yamakawa S, Ohtomo K.
    Relation between acute and late irradiation impairment of four basic tastes and irradiated tongue volume in patients with head-and-neck cancer.
    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 66: 1422-9, 2006
  50. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Shiraishi K, Tago M, Igaki H, Nakamura N, Sasano N, Shiina S, Omata M, Ohtomo K.
    External beam radiotherapy to treat intra- and extra-hepatic dissemination of hepatocellular carcinoma after radiofrequency thermal ablation.
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol 21: 1555-60, 2006
  51. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Tago M, Igaki H, Shiraishi K, Nakamura N, Sasano N, Yamakawa S, Ohtomo K.
    Small bowel perforation without tumor recurrence after radiotherapy for cervical carcinoma: report of seven cases.
    J Obstet Gynaecol Res 32: 235-42, 2006
  52. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Tago M, Nakamura N, Shiraishi K, Mafune K, Kaminishi M, Ohtomo K.
    Treatment results of preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery for stage III or IV esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
    Radiat Med 24: 65-71, 2006
  53. Yamazaki T, Suzuki J, Shimamoto R, Tsuji T, Ohmoto Y, Toyo-oka T, Omata M, Ohtomo K, Nagai R.
    Focalized contractile impairment at hypertrophied myocardium proven in consideration of wall stress in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
    Int Heart J 47: 247-58, 2006
  54. Yokoyama I, Inoue Y, Moritan T, Ohtomo K, Nagai R.
    Myocardial glucose utilisation in type II diabetes mellitus patients treated with sulphonylurea drugs.
    Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 33: 703-8, 2006
  55. Yoneyama R, Kawase Y, Hoshino K, McGregor J, Mac Neill BD, Lowe HC, Burkhoff D, Boekstegers P, Hajjar RJ, Hayase M.
    Related articles, magnetic resonance assessment of myocardial perfusion via catheter-based ventricle-coronary vein bypass in porcine myocardial infarction model.
    Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 67: 58-67, 2006
  56. Yoshikawa T, Hayashi N, Yamamoto S, Tajiri Y, Yoshioka N, Masumoto T, Mori H, Abe O, Aoki S, Ohtomo K.
    Brachial plexus injury: clinical manifestations, conventional imaging findings, and the latest imaging techniques.
    Radiographics 26(supplement1): 133-43, 2006
  57. Yoshioka N, Hayashi N, Akahane M, Yoshikawa T, Takeshita K, Ohtomo K.
    Bezier surface reformation: an original visualization technique of cervical myelographic CT.
    Radiat Med 24: 600-4, 2006

英文原著 2007年

  1. Aoki S, Masutani Y, Abe O.
    Magnetic resonance diffusion tractography in the brain--its application and limitation.
    Brain Nerve 59: 467-76, 2007
  2. Byrnes V, Shi H, Kiryu S, Rofsky NM, Afdhal NH.
    The clinical outcome of small (<20 mm) arterially enhancing nodules on MRI in the cirrhotic liver.
    Am J Gastroenterol 102: 1654-9, 2007
  3. Hashimoto M, Kokudo N, Imamura H, Akahane M, Makuuch M.
    Demonstration of the common hepatic artery coursing in the lesser omentum by three-dimensional computed tomography.
    Surgery 141: 121-3, 2007
  4. Hori M, Ishigame K, Aoki S, Kumagai H, Araki T:
    Diffusion tensor imaging and 3D tractography of the cervical spinal cord using the ECG-gated line-scan technique. A feasibility study.
    The Neuroradiology Journal 20: 574-9, 2007
  5. Inoue Y, Izawa K, Yoshikawa K, Yamada H, Tojo A, Ohtomo K.
    In vivo fluorescence imaging of the reticuloendothelial system using quantum dots in combination with bioluminescent tumour monitoring.
    Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 34: 2048-56, 2007
  6. Inoue Y, Izawa K, Tojo A, Nomura Y, Sekine R, Oyaizu N, Ohtomo K.
    Monitoring of disease progression by bioluminescence imaging and magnetic resonance imaging in an animal model of hematologic malignancy.
    Exp Hematol 35: 407-15, 2007
  7. Inoue Y, Yoshikawa K, Nomura Y, Izawa K, Shimada M, Tojo A, Ohtomo K.
    Gadobenate dimeglumine as a contrast agent for MRI of the mouse liver.
    NMR Biomed 20: 726-32, 2007
  8. Iwase S, Murakami T, Saitou Y, Nakagawa K.
    Preliminary stastical assessment of intervention by a palliative care team working in a Japanese general inpatient unit.
    Am J Hosp Palliat Care 24: 1-7, 2007
  9. Kabasawa H, Masutani Y, Aoki S, Abe O, Masumoto T, Hayashi N, Ohtomo K.
    3T PROPELLER diffusion tensor fiber tractography: a feasibility study for cranial nerve fiber tracking.
    Radiat Med 25: 462-6, 2007
  10. Kako S, Izutsu K, Ota Y, Minatani Y, Sugaya M, Momose T, Momose K, Ohtomo K, Kanda Y, Chiba S, Motokura T, Kurokawa M.
    FDG-PET in T-cell and NK-cell neoplasms.
    Ann Oncol 18: 1685-90, 2007
  11. Kamada K, Todo T, Masutani Y, Aoki S, Ino K, Morita A, Saito N.
    Visualization of the frontotemporal language fibers by tractography combined with functional magnetic resonance imaging and magnetoencephalography.
    J Neurosurg 106: 90-8, 2007
  12. Kiryu S, Sundaram T, Kubo S, Ohtomo K, Asakura T, Gee J, Hatabu H, Takahashi M.
    MRI assessment of lung parenchymal motion in normal mice and transgenic mice with sickle cell disease.
    J Magn Reson Imaging 27: 49-56, 2007
  13. Koyama M, Yagishita A, Nakata Y, Hayashi M, Bandoh M, Mizutani T.
    Imaging of corticobasal degeneration syndrome.
    Neuroradiology 49: 905-12, 2007
  14. Kunimatsu A, Itoh D, Nakata Y, Kunimatsu N, Aoki S, Masutani Y, Abe O, Yoshida M, Minami M, Ohtomo K.
    Utilization of diffusion tensor tractography in combination with spatial normalization to assess involvement of the corticospinal tract in capsular/pericapsular stroke: feasibility and clinical implications.
    J Magn Reson Imaging 26: 1399-404, 2007
  15. Kuwabara K, Nishishita T, Morishita M, Oyaizu N, Yamashita S, Kanematsu T, Obara T, Mimura Y, Inoue Y, Kaminishi M, Kaga K, Amino N, Kitaoka M, Ito K, Miyauchi A, Noguchi S, Uchimaru K, Akagawa E, Watanabe N, Takahashi TA, Sato K, Inazawa T, Nakaoka T, Yamashita N.
    Results of a phase I clinical study using dendritic cell vaccinations for thyroid cancer.
    Thyroid 17: 53-8, 2007
  16. Maeda E, Akahane M, Watadani T, Yoshioka N, Goto A, Sugawara Y, Makuuchi M, Ohtomo K.
    Isolated hepatic hemangiomatosis in adults: report of two cases and review of the literature.
    Eur J Radiol extra 61: 9-14, 2007
  17. Maruyama K, Kamada K, Shin M, Itoh D, Masutani Y, Ino K, Tago M, Saito N,
    Optic radiation tractography integrated into simulated treatment planning for Gamma Knife surgery.
    J Neurosurg 107: 721-6, 2007
  18. Maruyama K, Shin M, Tago M, Kishimoto J, Morita A, Kawahara N.
    Radiosurgery to reduce the risk of first hemorrhage from brain arteriovenous malformations.
    Neurosurgery 60: 453-9, 2007
  19. Mori H, Yagishita A, Takeda T, Mizutani T.
    Symmetric temporal abnormalities on MR imaging in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with dementia.
    AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 28: 1511-6, 2007
  20. Mori H, Aoki S, Ohtomo K.
    The "morning glory sign" may lead to false impression according to slice angle.
    Magn Reson Med Sci 6: 183-5, 2007
  21. Nakagawa K, Yoda K, Masutani Y, Sasaki K, Ohtomo K.
    A rod matrix compensator for small-field intensity modulated radiation therapy: a preliminary phantom study.
    IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 54: 943-6, 2007
  22. Nakagawa K, Yoda K, Shiraki T, Sasaki K, Miyazawa M, Ishidoya T, Ohtomo K, Hamada M.
    Radiophotoluminescence dosimetry using a small spherical glass: a preliminary phantom study.
    Radiat Prot Dosimetry 123: 254-6, 2007
  23. Nakamura N, Igaki H, Yamashita H, Shiraishi K, Tago M, Sasano N, Shiina S, Omata M, Makuuchi M, Ohtomo K, Nakagawa K.
    A retrospective study of radiotherapy for spinal bone metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
    Jpn J Clin Oncol 37: 38-43, 2007
  24. Nojo T, Takao H, Makita K, Miyata R, Kohyama J.
    Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images and blood perfusion of hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-epilepsy syndrome.
    J Pediatr Neurol 5: 243-5, 2007
    Ohmoto-Sekine Y, Suzuki J, Shimamoto R, Yamazaki T, Tsuji T, Nagai R, Ohtomo K.
    Gender-specific clinical characteristics of deep Q waves in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
    Gend Med 4: 274-83, 2007
  25. Sakurai Y, Onuma Y, Nakazawa G, Ugawa Y, Momose T, Tsuji S, Mannen T.
    Parietal dysgraphia: characterization of abnormal writing stroke sequences, character formation and character recall.
    Behav Neurol 18: 99-114, 2007
  26. Sato N, Yagishita A, Oba H, Miki Y, Nakata Y, Yamashita F, Nemoto K, Sugai K, Sasaki M.
    Hemimegalencephaly: a study of abnormalities occurring outside the involved hemisphere.
    AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 28: 678-82, 2007
  27. Shimamoto R, Suzuki J, Yamazaki T, Tsuji T, Ohmoto Y, Morita T, Yamashita H, Honye J, Nagai R, Akahane M, Ohtomo K.
    A new method formeasuring coronary artery diameters with CT spatial profile curves.
    Radiography 13: 44-50, 2007
  28. Takahashi M, Kubo S, Kiryu S, Gee J, Hatabu H.
    MR microscopy of the lung in small rodents.
    Eur J Radiol 64: 367-74, 2007
  29. Takao H, Nojo T, Ohtomo K.
    Evaluation of an automated system for temporal subtraction of thin-section thoracic CT.
    Br J Radiol 80: 85-9, 2007
  30. Takao H, Doi I, Watanabe T.
    Superselective transcatheter arterial chemoembolisation of an unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma using three-dimensional rotational angiography.
    Br J Radiol 80: 85-7, 2007
  31. Takao H, Makita K, Doi I, Watanabe T.
    Mycotic pulmonary artery aneurysm diagnosed 18 years after bacterial endocarditis.
    Clin Imaging 31: 131-3, 2007
  32. Takao H, Nojo T.
    Treatment of unruptured intracranial aneurysms: decision and cost-effectiveness analysis.
    Radiology 244: 755-66, 2007
  33. Terao Y, Ugawa Y, Yamamoto T, Sakurai Y, Masumoto T, Abe O, Masutani Y, Aoki S, Tsuji S.
    Primary face motor area as the motor representation of articulation.
    J Neurol 254: 442-7, 2007
  34. Tsujino T, Kogure H, Sasahira N, Isayama H, Tada M, Kawabe T, Omata M, Akahane M, Sano K, Makuuchi M.
    A huge intra-abdominal mass in a young man.
    Gut 56: 1372, 2007
  35. Yamasaki S, Yamasue H, Abe O, Yamada H, Iwanami A, Hirayasu Y, Nakamura M, Furukawa S, Rogers MA, Tanno Y, Aoki S, Kato N, Kasai K.
    Reduced planum temporale volume and delusional behaviour in patients with schizophrenia.
    Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 257: 318-24, 2007
  36. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Shiraishi K, Tago M, Igaki H, Nakamura N, Sasano N, Siina S, Omata M, Ohtomo K.
    Radiotherapy for lymph node metastases in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: retrospective study.
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol 22: 523-7, 2007
  37. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Nakamura N, Koyanagi H, Tago M, Igaki H, Shiraishi K, Sasano N, Ohtomo K.
    Exceptionally high incidence of symptomatic grade2-5 radiation pneumonitis after stereotactic radiation therapy for lung tumors.
    Radiat Oncol 2: 21, 2007
  38. Yamasue H, Abe O, Kasai K, Suga M, Iwanami A, Yamada H, Tochigi M, Ohtani T, Rogers MA, Sasaki T, Aoki S, Kato T, Kato N.
    Human brain structural change related to acute single exposure to sarin.
    Ann Neurol 61: 37-46, 2007
  39. Yamazaki T, Suzuki J, Shimamoto R, Tsuji T, Ohmoto-Sekine Y, Ohtomo K, Nagai R.
    A new therapeutic strategy for hypertrophic nonobstructive cardiomyopathy in humans.
    Int Heart J 48: 715-24, 2007

英文原著 2008年

  1. Abe O, Yamasue H, Aoki S, Suga M, Yamada H, Kasai K, Masutani Y, Kato N, Kato N, Ohtomo K.
    Aging in the CNS: comparison of gray/white matter volume and diffusion tensor data.
    Neurobiol Aging 29(1):102-16, 2008
  2. Arai N, Yokochi F, Ohnishi T, Momose T, Okiyama R, Taniguchi M, Takahashi H, Matsuda H, Ugawa Y.
    Mechanisms of unilateral STN-DBS in patients with Parkinson's disease.
    J Neurol 255(8): 1236-43, 2008
  3. Gooya A, Liao H, Matsumiya K, Masamune K, Masutani Y, Dohi T.
    A variational method for geometric regularization of vascular segmentation in medical images.
    IEEE Trans Image Process 17(8): 1295-312, 2008
  4. Hori M, Ishigame K, Shiraga N, Kumagai H, Aoki S, Araki T.
    Mean diffusivity, fractional anisotropy maps, and three-dimensional white-matter tractography by diffusion tensor imaging. Comparison between single-shot fast spin-echo and single-shot echo-planar sequences at 1.5 Tesla.
    Eur Radiol 18(4): 830-4, 2008
  5. Igaki H, Nakagawa K, Shiraishi K, Shiina S, Kokudo N, Terahara A, Yamashita H, Sasano N, Omata M, Ohtomo K.
    Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma with inferior vena cava invasion.
    Jpn J Clin Oncol 38(6): 438-44, 2008
  6. Igaki H, Maruyama K, Tago M, Shin M, Murakami N, Koga T, Nakagawa K, Kawahara N, Ohtomo K.
    Cyst formation after stereotactic radiosurgery for intracranial meningioma.
    Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 86(4): 231-6, 2008
  7. Igaki H, Nakagawa K, Yamashita H, Terahara A, Haga A, Shiraishi K, Sasano N,Yamamoto K, Onoe T, Yoda K, Ohtomo K.
    Contrast media-assisted visualization of brain metastases by kilovoltage cone-beam CT.
    Acta Oncol 48(2): 314-7, 2009
  8. Inoue Y, Izawa K, Kiryu S, Kobayashi S, Tojo A, Ohtomo K.
    Bioluminescent evaluation of the therapeutic effects of total body irradiation in a murine hematological malignancy model.
    Exp Hematol 36(12): 1634-41, 2008
  9. Ishiura H, Morikawa M, Hamada M, Watanabe T, Kako S, Chiba S, Motokura T, Hangaishi A, Shibahara J, Akahane M, Goto J, Kwak S, Kurokawa M, Tsuji S.
    Lymphomatoid granulomatosis involving central nervous system successfully treated with rituximab alone.
    Arch Neurol 65(5): 662-5, 2008
  10. Iwata NK, Aoki S, Okabe S, Arai N, Terao Y, Kwak S, Abe O, Kanazawa I, Tsuji S, Ugawa Y.
    Evaluation of corticospinal tracts in ALS with diffusion tensor MRI and brainstem stimulation.
    Neurology 70(7): 528-32, 2008
  11. Kabasawa H, Masutani Y, Abe O, Aoki S, Ohtomo K.
    Quantitative diffusion tensor analysis using multiple tensor ellipsoids model and tensor field interpolation at fiber crossing.
    Acad Radiol 15(1): 84-92, 2008
  12. Kamada K, Todo T, Ota T, Ino K, Masutani Y, Aoki S, Takeuchi F, Kawai K, Saito N.
    The motor-evoked potential threshold evaluated by tractography and electrical stimulation.
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  13. Kiryu S, Inoue Y, Watanabe M, Izawa K, Shimada M, Tojo A, Yoshikawa K, Ohtomo K.
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  14. Kiryu S, Takeuchi K, Shibahara J, Uozaki H,Fukayama M, Tanaka H,Maeda E, Akahane M, Ohtomo K.
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    Simultaneous appearance of central nervous system relapse and subarachnoid hemorrhage during the treatment for acute promyelocytic leukemia.
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  28. Nakagawa K, Yamashita H, Nakamura N, Igaki H, Tago M, Hosoi Y, Momose T, Ohtomo K, Muto T, Nagawa H.
    Preoperative radiation response evaluated by 18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography predicts survival in locally advanced rectal cancer.
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  29. Nakagawa K, Kanda Y, Yamashita H, Nakagawa S, Sasano N, Ohtomo K, Oshima K, Kumano K, Ban N, Minamitani Y, Kurokawa M, Chiba S.
    Ovarian shielding allows ovarian recovery and normal birth in female Hematopoietic SCT recipients undergoing TBI.
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  30. Nakagawa K, Yamashita H, Igaki H, Terahara A, Shiraishi K, Yoda K.
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  31. Nakamura N, Sasano N, Yamashita H, Igaki H, Shiraishi K, Terahara A, AsakagT, Nakao K, Ebihara Y, Ohtomo K, Nakagawa K.
    Oral pilocarpine (5mg t.i.d.) used for xerostomia causes adverse effects in Japanese.
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  32. Nakata Y, Sato N, Abe O, Shikakura S, Arima K, Furuta N, Uno M, Hirai S, Masutani Y, Ohtomo K, Aoki S.
    Diffusion abnormality in posterior cingulate fiber tracts in Alzheimer's disease: tract-specific analysis.
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  33. Nakata Y, Barkovich AJ, Wahl M, Strominger Z, Jeremy RJ, Wakahiro M, Mukherjee P, Sherr EH.
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  34. Nakata Y, Sato N, Nemoto K, Abe O, Shikakura S, Arima K, Furuta N, Uno M, Hirai S, Masutani Y, Ohtomo K, Barkovich AJ, Aoki S.
    Diffusion abnormality in the posterior cingulum and hippocampal volume: correlation with disease progression in Alzheimer's disease.
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  37. Sakai M, Aoki S, Inoue Y, Ashida R, Yamada H, Kiryu S, Inano S, Mori H, Masutani Y, Abe O, Ohtomo K, Nakamura H.
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  38. Sakai M, Inoue Y, Aoki S, Sirasaka T, Uehira T, Takahama S, Nagai H, Yutani K, Yoshikawa K, Nakamura H
    Follow-up magnetic resonance imaging findings in patients with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy: evaluation of long-term survivors under highly active antiretroviral therapy.
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  39. Sakurai Y, Terao Y, Ichikawa Y, Ohtsu H, Momose T, Tsuji S, Mannen T.
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  40. Sato N, Ota M, Yagishita A, Miki Y, Takahashi T, Adachi Y, Nakata Y, Sugai K, Sasaki M.
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  46. Takei K, Yamasue H, Abe O, Yamada H, Inoue H, Suga M, Sekita K, Sasaki H, Rogers M, Aoki S, Kasai K.
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  47. Yamada M, Momoshima S, Masutani Y, Fujiyoshi K, Abe O, Nakamura M, Aoki S, Tamaoki N, Okano H.
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  48. Yamashita H, Murakami N, Asari T, Okuma K, Ohtomo K, Nakagawa K.
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  49. Yamashita H, Nakagawa K, Yamada K, Kaminishi M, Mafune K, Ohtomo K.
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  57. Yoda K, Nakagawa K, Shiraishi K, Okano Y, Ohtomo K, Pellegrini RG.
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  59. Yoshikawa T, Aoki S, Abe O, Hayashi N, Masutani Y, Masumoto T, Mori H, Satake Y, Ohtomo K.
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  61. Yoshioka H, Horikoshi T, Aoki S, Hori M, Ishigame K, Uchida M, Sugita M, Araki T, Kinouchi H.
    Diffusion tensor tractography predicts motor functional outcome in patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.
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和文原著 1998年

  1. 青木幸昌, 中川恵一, 井垣 浩, 豊田健嗣, 多湖正夫, 馳揮憲二, 豊田達也, 竹内隆正, 小嫁拓洋, 桐生 茂, 馬場紀行, 佐々木康人.
    総合腫疫病棟における進行期, 末期がん患者に対するインフォームド・コンセントのあり方.
    ターミナルケア 8: 249-51, 1998
  2. 阿部 修, 入口紀男, 小島良紀, 大久保敏之, 斉藤延人, 林 直人, 白水一郎, 妹尾淳史, 大友 邦, 佐々木康人.
    日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌 18: 172-6, 1998
  3. 桐生 茂, 町田 徹, 野田正信, 白水一郎, 稲岡祥幸, 岡田吉隆, 赤羽正章, 南 学, 河内伸夫, 大友 邦, 佐藤博司.
    日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌 18: 464-70, 1998
  4. 熊倉嘉貴, 百瀬敏光, 奥 真也, 大獄 達, 西川潤一, 大友 邦.
    核医学 35: 843-8, 1998
  5. 栗田浩樹, 河本俊介, 多湖正夫, 寺原敦朗, 鈴木一郎, 佐々木富男, 桐野高明.
    定位的放射線治療 2: 15-21, 1998
  6. 郡司俊秋, 大西 真, 筆宝義隆, 三浦英明, 油谷浩幸, 大友 邦, 北村 聖, 矢崎義雄.
    画像により治癒過程を確認し得た著明な薬剤性peliosis hepatisの1例.
    日本消化器病学会雑誌 95: 1378-81, 1998
  7. 杉下靖郎, 神原啓文, 小西淳二, 佐々木康人, 中野 赳, 西村恒彦, 増田善昭, 横山光宏, 鰺坂隆一, 井阪直樹, 植原敏勇, 大嶽 達, 桑原洋一, 玉木長良, 野原隆司, 山辺 裕.
    Jap Circ J 62(supplement2): 788-839, 1998

和文原著 1999年

  1. 大友 邦, 南 学, 岡田吉隆, 中川恵一.
    画像診断 19: 665-74, 1999
  2. 大友 邦.
    腹部画像診断アトラスⅣ: 94-8, 1999
  3. 小林有香, 牧田幸三, 山名哲郎, 岩垂純一, 大友 邦, 小松秀平.
    臨床放射線 44: 469-75, 1999
  4. 辛 正廣, 栗田浩樹, 多湖正夫, 河本俊介, 佐々木富雄, 桐野高明.
    定位的放射線治療 3: 55-9, 1999
  5. 多湖正夫, 寺原敦朗, 中川恵一, 青木幸昌, 栗田浩樹, 辛 正廣, 河本俊介, 大友 邦, 佐々木 康人.
    定位的放射線治療 3: 27-33, 1999
  6. 鳥塚莞爾, 水野美邦, 久保敦司, 小西淳二, 米倉義時, 百瀬敏光, 村田美穂, 他.
    核医学 36: 845-64, 1999
  7. 灰塚尚敏, 柳沢尚紀, 朝倉裕士, 中嶋 豊, 佐藤昌志, 太田高文, 清水 崇, 鹿島 勝, 井上優介, 築板吉彦.
    腎と透析 46: 875-9, 1999
  8. 馬場貞明, 寺原敦朗, 秋田文英, 伊藤照生, 若松 修, 豊田達也, 町田 徹.
    日本放射線技師学会雑誌 46: 785-95, 1999
    松田圭二, 正木忠彦, 横山 正, 渡辺聡明, 名川弘一, 武藤徹一郎, 中川恵一, 三浦 健.
    胃と腸 34: 811-5, 1999
  9. 山田晴耕, 南 学, 赤羽正章, 宮澤昌史, 河内伸夫, 岡田吉隆, 大友 邦.
    腹部画像診断アトラスⅣ: 164-5, 1999

和文原著 2000年

  1. 青木幸昌, 井垣 浩, 高野利美, 岩瀬 哲, 藤本直子, 寺原敦朗, 多湖正夫, 豊田達也, 広瀬寛子, 青木頼子, 一鉄時江, 中川恵一.
    緩和医療学 2: 354-60, 2000
  2. 笠井清登, 山田晴耕, 湯本真人, 神尾 聡, 伊藤憲治, 越田一郎, 岩波 明, 中込和幸, 福田正人, 渡辺 明, 村上 忠, 畑 哲信, 橋本大彦, 加藤進昌.
    精神薬療基金研究年報 32: 199-205, 2000
  3. 鶴岡礼子, 八谷正行, 小山和行, 戸邉公子, 上田利一, 渡辺智昌, 多湖正夫, 増本智彦, 阿部 敦.
    江戸川医学会誌 17: 54-7, 2000
  4. 寺原敦朗, 町田 徹, 久保俊朗, 金澤 至, 神谷 博, 益澤秀明, 青木幸昌, 大友 邦.
    多発性転移性脳腫癌に対するGamma Knife radiosurgery.
    定位的放射線治療 4: 111-7, 2000
  5. 戸邉公子, 小山和行, 加藤伸之, 阿部 敦, 古賀久雄, 増本智彦, 多湖正夫.
    造影ダイナミック三次元MR angiographyの臨床応用.
    江戸川医学会誌 17: 48-50, 2000
  6. 成松芳明, 平松京一, 隈崎達夫, 山口昂一, 安達真人, 白 玉美, 田島康之, 後藤慎介, 佐々木康人, 南 学, 林 直人, 中塚誠之, 片山 仁, 煎本正博, 直居 豊, 小野由子, 石垣武男, 石口恒男, 中村仁信, 友田 要, 高橋 哲, 打田日出夫, 松尾尚樹, 河野通雄, 松本真一, 梶原康正, 今井茂樹, 増田康治, 橋口典久.
    Prog Med 20: 2051-62, 2000
  7. 南條修二, 山崎純一, 吉川宏起, 妹尾淳史, 三浦妙太.
    日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌 20: 170-7, 2000
  8. 森 墾, 齋田幸久, 渡邊裕子, 入江敏之, 板井悠二.
    日本医学放射線学会雑誌 60: 702-4, 2000
  9. 吉川健啓, 青木茂樹, 石亀慶一, 荒木 力, 椛沢宏之, 大友 邦.
    臨床放射線 45: 1505-13, 2000

和文原著 2001年

  1. 青木幸昌, 依田 潔, 岩瀬 哲, 柴田幸司, 多湖正夫, 寺原敦朗, 中川恵一.
    Inverse planningにおける高速最適化法の開発.
    日本放射線腫瘍学会誌 13: 91-6, 2001
  2. 赤羽正章, 本谷啓太, 塚本篤子, 下平貴史, 福地達夫, 町田 徹.
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 57(supplement7): 30-1, 2001
  3. 大島統男, 町田喜久雄, 小泉 潔, 小須田茂, 清水裕次, 高橋信喜, 橋本 順, 本田憲業, 細野 眞, 松本 徹, 松田博史, 百瀬敏光, 森 豊.
    アルツハイマー病の診断における脳血流SPECTの評価 多施設による読影結果と知能スコア(MMSE)との相関.
    断層映像研究会雑誌 28: 79-84, 2001
  4. 高尾英正, 百瀬敏光, 奥 真也, 水野晋二, 熊倉嘉貴, 阿部 敦, 小島良紀, 大友 邦.
    臨床核医学 34: 82-4, 2001
  5. 寺原敦朗, 中川恵一, 青木幸昌, 大友 邦, 丹生健一, 菅澤 正.
    頭頚部腫瘍 27: 166-72, 2001
  6. 中川恵一, 青木幸昌, 大友 邦.
    日本放射線腫瘍学会誌 13: 21-30, 2001
  7. 堀 正明, 大久保敏之, 熊谷博司, 荒木 力, 青木茂樹, 吉川健啓.
    立体視可能な造影剤1回注入による二次元造影MR angiography.
    臨床放射線 46: 765-70, 2001
  8. 松岡勇二郎, 谷 裕一郎, 小嶋 馨, 國松奈津子, 藤本記子, 吉川 渉, 不破相勲.
    フィルム運用の収支についての検討 "フィルム差益"はあるのか?
    臨床放射線 46: 727-30, 2001

和文原著 2002年

  1. 阿部 修, 増谷佳孝, 青木茂樹, 国松聡, 林 直人, 増本智彦, 山田晴耕, 吉川健啓, 渡辺 慎, 椛沢宏之, 大友 邦.
    日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌 22: 191-203, 2002
  2. 國松奈津子, 小嶋 馨, 平林寧子, 朝蔭裕之, 松岡勇二郎, 櫛橋民生, 國松 聡, 大友 邦.
    臨床放射線47: 468-72, 2002
  3. 嶋田守男, 吉川宏起, 井上優介, 菅沼常徳, 林 三進, 船橋公彦, 寺本龍生.
    磁気共鳴リンパ管造影によるsentinel lymphnodeの検出能の基礎的検討.
    INNERVISION 17: 34, 2002
  4. 中川恵一.
    INNERVISION 17: 39, 2002
  5. 難波吉雄, 百瀬敏光.
    Geriatric Medicine 40: 126-8, 2002
    林 直人.
    INNERVISION 17: 57, 2002
  6. 堀 正明, 大久保敏之, 青木茂樹, 石亀慶一, 熊谷博司, 荒木 力, 平澤典子, 鈴木賢二, 早坂 亨.
    Line scan diffusion weighted imagingを用いた0.2Tesla MRIにおける正常頚髄の拡散強調画像の試み.
    日本医学放射線学会誌 62: 221-3, 2002
  7. 増谷佳孝, 阿部 修, 青木茂樹, 森 墾, 増本智彦, 吉川健啓, 大友 邦, 林 直人, 椛沢宏之.
    Medical Imaging Technology 20: 584-92, 2002
  8. 森 墾, 柳下 章, 青木茂樹, 大友 邦.
    低髄圧症候群の脊髄画像-特に, T2強調像での高信号領域の病態生理の考察.
    画像診断 22: 414-9, 2002
  9. 森 墾, 林 直人, 青木茂樹, 増本智彦, 國松 聡, 吉川健啓, 阿部 修, 大友 邦, 弓削 忠, 加我君孝.
    日本医学放射線学会雑誌 62: 32-4, 2002
  10. 森 墾, 青木茂樹, 阿部 修, 増谷佳孝, 増本智彦, 林 直人, 吉川健啓, 渡辺靖志, 佐竹芳朗, 大友 邦, 椛沢宏之.
    PROPELLER MRIの基礎的検討及び臨床応用.
    日本医学放射線学会雑誌 62: 287-9, 2002
  11. 森 墾, 渡辺 慎, 赤羽正章, 矢島 直, 大友 邦.
    造影CT検査時の静脈穿刺による神経因性疼痛(complex regional pain syndrome)の1例.
    日本医学放射線学会雑誌 62: 834-5, 2002
  12. 森 墾, 林 直人, 青木茂樹, 不破相勲, 山田晴耕, 吉川健啓, 國松 聡, 齊藤公章, 増本智彦, 阿部 修, 大友 邦.
    臨床放射線 47: 441-7, 2002
    森 墾, 林 直人, 青木茂樹, 阿部 修, 増谷佳孝, 大友 邦, 平川美菜子, 宇川義一.
    PROPELLER MRIによる不隠患者の体動補正が臨床的に有用であった1例.
    臨床放射線 47: 1629-32, 2002
  13. 山下英臣, 伊丹 純, 原 竜介, 小塚拓洋, 奥脇英人, 野村友清, 伊藤秀幸, 森田敬和, 青木幸昌, 中川恵一, 大友 邦.
    日本放射線腫瘍学会誌 14: 113-8, 2002

和文原著 2003年

  1. 青山英史, 白土博樹, 鬼丸力也, 多湖正夫, 中川恵一, 晴山雅人, 吉田 弘, 権丈雅浩, 鈴木恵士郎, 今井 敦, 明神美弥子, 幡野和男.
    転移性脳腫瘍の定位照射: 施設間差の検討.
    定位的放射線治療 7: 67-72, 2003
  2. 岩瀬 哲, 中川恵一, 白石憲史郎, 大友 邦.
    Biotherapy 17: 583-8, 2003
  3. 小林雅彦, 渡辺 慎, 髙田 綾, 齋藤一之.
    頭部CTにて外傷性頭蓋内出血と診断され, 剖検で否定された乳児CPA症例.
    救急医学 27: 617-9, 2003
  4. 林 直人, 山本真一, 吉川健啓.
    末梢神経 14: 59-65, 2003
  5. 丸山啓介, 辛 正廣, 栗田浩樹, 多湖正夫, 河本俊介, 森田明夫, 桐野高明.
    定位的放射線治療 7: 33-7, 2003
  6. 森 墾, 増谷佳孝, 青木茂樹, 阿部 修, 林 直人, 増本智彦, 山田晴耕, 吉川健啓, 國松 聡, 大友 邦, 椛沢宏之.
    日本医学放射線学会雑誌 63: 51-3, 2003

和文原著 2004年

  1. 荒木拓次, 大久保敏之, 大西 洋, 小宮山貴史, 中田安浩, 萬利乃寛, 青木真一, 荒木 力.
    山梨医学 32: 141-3, 2004
  2. 石亀慶一, 荒木 力, 青木茂樹, 吉川健啓, 柳下 章.
    山梨医科学雑誌 19: 69-78, 2004
  3. 井上悠介, 増谷佳孝, 石井宏一, 熊井 規, 木村文彦, 佐久間一郎.
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 J87-D2: 271-80, 2004
  4. 影井兼司, 徳植公一, 菅原信二, 幡多政治, 井垣 浩, 橋本孝之, 大原 潔, 秋根康之.
    日本医学放射線学会雑誌 64: 225-30, 2004
  5. 切原賢治, 笠井清登, 沖本啓治, 山末英典, 松尾幸治, 綱島浩一, 山田晴耕, 阿部 修, 加藤進昌.
    精神医学 46: 203-5, 2004
  6. 後藤政実, 青木茂樹, 林 直人, 森 墾, 渡辺靖志, 井野賢司, 佐竹芳朗, 西田克次, 佐藤春雄, 飯田恭人, 美馬和男, 大友 邦.
    頭部血管における閉塞と低流速の識別におけるPROPELLER DWIの有用性.
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 60: 1519-25, 2004
  7. 後藤政実, 青木茂樹, 林 直人, 森 墾, 渡辺靖志, 井野賢司, 佐竹芳朗, 西田克次, 佐藤春雄, 飯田恭人, 美馬和男, 大友 邦.
    PROPELLER T2WIにおける撮像条件の検討.
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 60: 1585-91, 2004
  8. 沢田泰之, 山田晴耕.
    microscopic polyangiitis.
    皮膚病診療 26: 67-70, 2004
  9. 高橋美和子, 百瀬敏光, 奥 真也, 阿部 敦, 水野晋二, 亀山征史, 熊倉嘉貴, 大友 邦.
    臨床核医学 37: 35-6, 2004
  10. 多湖正夫, 辛 正廣, 寺原敦朗, 栗田浩樹, 丸山啓介, 中川恵一, 大友 邦.
    定位的放射線治療 8: 93-101, 2004
  11. 根本景子, 徳植公一, 大西かよ子, 水本斎志, 橋本孝之, 井垣 浩, 幡多政治, 影井兼司, 菅原信二, 大原 潔, 秋根康之.
    日本放射線腫瘍学会雑誌 16: 177-82, 2004
  12. 長谷川潔, 今村 宏, 赤羽正章, 國土典宏, 高山忠利, 大友 邦, 幕内雅敏.
    腹腔動脈狭窄に対し血管内ステントを留置したのちに, 膵頭十二指腸切除術を施行した下部胆管癌の1例.
    手術 58: 275-9, 2004
  13. 増谷佳孝, 青木茂樹, 阿部 修, 大友 邦.
    Medical Imaging Technology 22: 243-9, 2004
  14. 増谷佳孝, 佐久間一郎, 木村文彦.
    コンピュータ支援画像診断学会論文誌 8: 10-7, 2004
  15. 山下英臣, 中川恵一, 川口 浩, 大友 邦.
    日本放射線腫瘍学会雑誌 16: 187-90, 2004

和文原著 2005年

  1. 青木茂樹, 山田晴耕, 阿部 修, 増谷佳孝, 吉田茉莉子, 山末英典, 笠井清登, 森 墾, 増本智彦, 吉川健啓, 林 直人, 椛沢宏之, 伊藤大輔, 井野賢司, 大友 邦, 加藤進昌.
    日本磁気共鳴学会雑誌 25: 29-35, 2005
  2. 海老原葉子, 加藤 聡, 江口 亮, 福嶋はるみ, 國松 聡, 渡辺 慎, 林 直人.
    眼科 47: 1355-9, 2005
  3. 笹原朋代, 梅内美保子, 白井由紀, 岩瀬 哲, 村上 忠, 斉藤勇一郎, 河 正子, 中川恵一.
    緩和ケア 15: 669-74, 2005
  4. 杉山彩子, 野田正信, 國松 聡, 加藤伸之, 白水一郎, 町田 徹, 並木重隆, 堀内 啓, 松谷章司.
    臨床放射線 50: 1267-71, 2005
  5. 渡辺 慎, 増谷佳孝, 青木茂樹, 森 墾, 阿部 修, 林 直人, 増本智彦, 山田晴耕, 吉川健啓, 椛沢宏之, 大友 邦.
    日本医学放射線学会雑誌 65: 449-51, 2005

和文原著 2006年

  1. 井上秀之, 山末英典, 栃木 衛, 管 心, 湊 崇暢, 阿部 修, 山田晴耕, 青木茂樹, 加藤進昌, 笠井清登, 佐々木司.
    神経画像を中間表現型として用いた遺伝子多型との関連解析. DNF Val66Met多型と扁桃体・海馬の体積は日本人において関連しない.
    精神薬療研究年報 38: 99-104, 2006
  2. 後藤政実, 青木茂樹, 阿部 修, 増本智彦, 渡辺靖志, 佐竹芳朗, 西田克次, 井野賢司, 矢野敬一, 飯田恭人, 美馬和男, 大友 邦.
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 62: 1339-44, 2006
  3. 後藤政実, 青木茂樹, 阿部 修, 増本智彦, 渡辺靖志, 佐竹芳朗, 西田克次, 井野賢司, 矢野敬一, 飯田恭人, 美馬和男, 大友 邦.
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 62: 1353-8, 2006
  4. 佐々木賀津乃, 宇野漢成, 海老原文, 小室貴子, 江藤陽子, 飯田陽子, 竹中 克.
    J Cardiol 47: 47-9, 2006
  5. 竹内直信, 林 裕史, 渡邊弘子, 増本智彦, 林 直人, 高野哲也, 山岨達也.
    耳鼻咽喉科展望 49: 268-70, 2006
  6. 中田安浩, 柳下 章, 谷口 真.
    癒着性くも膜炎に続発したpresyrinx stateの1例.
    脳と神経 58: 500-4, 2006
  7. 藤 利栄, 上田悦弘, 近江雅人, 林 直人, 春名正光.
    生体医工学 44: 606-12, 2006

和文原著 2007年

  1. 今江禄一, 篠原廣行, 関野正樹, 上野照剛, 大崎博之, 美馬和男, 大友 邦.
    日本応用磁気学会誌 31: 279-82, 2007
  2. 後藤政実, 井野賢司, 赤羽正章, 山下美和, 鈴木雄一, 今江禄一, 長谷川浩章, 西田克次, 矢野敬一, 飯田恭人, 美馬和男, 大友 邦.
    日本放射線技術学会雑誌 63: 774-81, 2007
  3. 白石憲史郎, 岩瀬 哲, 山川 宣, 多湖正夫, 中川恵一.
    緩和ケア 17: 300-3, 2007
  4. 高橋美和子, 亀山征史, 百瀬敏光, 大友 邦.
    臨床核医学 40: 2-4, 2007
  5. 野村行弘, 伊藤治彦, 前田恵理子, 増谷佳孝, 吉川健啓, 林 直人, 大友 邦.
  6. 渡邊雄一, 増谷佳孝, 野村行弘, 吉川健啓, 林 直人, 吉川宏起, 佐藤昌憲, 大友 邦.

和文原著 2008年

  1. 蝦原康宏, 吉田昌史, 安藤瑞生, 中尾一成, 朝蔭孝宏, 寺原敦朗, 光嶋 勲.
    頭頸部癌 34(4): 526-9, 2008
  2. 椛沢宏之, 増谷佳孝, 阿部 修, 青木茂樹, 大友 邦.
    MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY 26(3): 162-8, 2008
  3. 國島加奈子, 青木茂樹, 伊藤大輔, 稲野祥子, 飯島 明, 斎藤延人, 大友 邦.
    頭部3T MRIにおけるMRA.
    画像診断 28(10): 1033-44, 2008
  4. 坂田郁子, 田村克己, 石田二郎, 阿部良行, 黒田 功, 小須田茂, 町田喜久雄.
    臨床核医学 40(3): 35-7, 2007
  5. 野村行弘, 根本充貴, 増谷佳孝, 伊藤治彦, 前田恵理子, 花岡昇平, 吉川健啓, 林 直人, 吉岡直紀, 大友 邦.
    MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY 27(2): 123-30, 2009
  6. 平塚真生子, 阿武 泉, 國松 聡, 南 学.
    臨床放射線 53(8): 1005-10, 2008
  7. 増谷佳孝, 佐藤哲大, 浦山慎一, ルビアンデュニ.
    電子情報通信学会論文誌D:情報・システム 91(7): 1744-56, 2008
  8. 増本智彦, 青木茂樹, 椛沢宏之, 丸山啓介, 森 墾, 伊藤大輔, 阿部 修, 大友 邦.
    3T MRIを用いたsusceptibility weighted imagingの脳AVMにおける臨床的意義の検討.
    日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌 28(1): 53-5, 2008
  9. 三瀬葉子, 高尾英正, 土居逸平, 渡辺 慎, 渡辺俊明.
    Periureteric venous ringの1例;fenestrationを示す下大静脈の先天異常.
    臨床放射線 53(8): 1017-22, 2008